TMA Slope

TMA Slope

The TMA Slope oscillator is a simple slope of a Triangular Moving Average compared and normalized with the Average True Range of the last 100 periods (default setting).

This specific version add 2 triggers to give trading signals according to the slope:

  • Above superior trigger, the trend is bullish, so trading is “Buy Only”
  • Below inferior trigger, the trend is bearish, trading is “Sell Only”
  • If the slope is included between these 2 levels, the market is probably ranging and no new orders should be initiated

These trading signals should be compared between different timeframes (attached examples), for a better accuracy.

Converted from an MT4 indicator, by a request in the English ProBuilder forum.


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  1. Toto le Heros • 10/31/2017 #

    Tx Nicolas. Looks very interresting. No text display on my charts. Any specific option to tick somewhere on the PRT interface to have it displayed or … ?
    Tx again and in advance.

    • Nicolas • 10/31/2017 #

      Be sure to have these settings set with these values:
      //edblHigh1 = 0.04
      //edblLow1 = -0.04
      (not sure if it’s the case in the ITF file..).

    • Toto le Heros • 10/31/2017 #

      Ok, got it ! Great ! Tx

  2. crolakstrading • 10/31/2017 #

    Hi Nocolas.. I’m really bog fan of this indicator! is there any possibility make this indicator works on the chart itself… i mean changing colours on the candle stick according to the indicator??

  3. crolakstrading • 10/31/2017 #

    Hi Nicolas.. I’m really big fan of this indicator! is there any possibility to make this indicator works on the chart itself… i mean changing colours on the candle stick according to the indicator??

    Sorry for the typo above and thanks in advance.

    • Nicolas • 10/31/2017 #

      Yes, that’s possible. Please open a new topic in the forum.

  4. crolakstrading • 10/31/2017 #

    Just saw your reply thank you!! I will open up a new topic!!

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