Recent Wolf Waves

Recent Wolf Waves

Code to search back a pattern of WOLF WAVES.

This screeners searches back in a configurable period the patten of WOLF WAVES.

The accuracy of the wolf wave can be configurable at the beginning of the code.

The screener generates a list with the values that are matching with the parameters.

It is returned as “Point_1” the value of the first point of Wolf wave,  so you need to go to chart  and search for this value, in the screenshot was returned the value of 148,51.

Parameters manages by code:

-That point 1 and 3 are not differing more than a percentage value.
-That point 2 and 4 are not differing more than a percentage value.
-That the distance between point  1-3 and point 2-4 are not different more than a number of candles, to avoid a far point 4, for example.
-That ramps 1-2 and 3-4 are not differing more than a percentage, to assure that ramps are within a range of angle.

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