XAUUSD Gold trading strategy on Friday only

XAUUSD Gold trading strategy on Friday only

Hi there,

after a long time of reading all the great strategies I will try to make my first contribution.

Very simple, very easy. Buy Gold Mini only on a Friday afternoon and sell it on the same day.

  • Gold Kasse Mini (10 oz)
  • Timeframe: 1h
  • Tested with Data from IGMarkets (since 2006) and Version 10.2

Looking for your comments and an idea how to reduce the losses to make the system more profitable.





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  1. Nicolas • 11/07/2016 #

    Hello DonDollar, and thanks a lot for your contribution to our community 🙂
    A “keep it simple and stupid” strategy like this always surprise me! It’s a pure recurring market pattern like many others that you have found.  I used to make machine learning myself in the past to find ones. Even if it’s not well perform in the last recent years, it is quite interesting and educational. I’m wondering how did you find it? What is the spread used in your test? 

  2. DonDollar • 11/07/2016 #

    Ni Nicolas,
    thanks for the comment. I started with a 3000$ Position and 1 Pip Spread.
    I found the idea on a page about statistics.

    • DonDollar • 11/07/2016 #

      Stupid me, it is indeed 1 POINT Spread….

  3. HarryPro • 342 days ago #

    Hello Clemens,
    I tested your Friday XAU and found it broke down when going well into the past years. I found a way to make consistent profit over the last 15 years or so when back-testing and also have very low draw down. I have also bumped up the stake from £5 to £10 per point and have just put the strategy live on my Trading Account.
    Anyone interested please contact me.

    Kind Regards

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