Smart Supertrend

Smart Supertrend

Here I leave an adaptation of the supertrend indicator.
We have the cloud, which shows us the price trend according to color.
On the other hand we have the adapted version of the supertrend, which can be used as a trailstop or confirmation.

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  1. Madrosat • 249 days ago #

    Hello Ivan
    You have interesting topics on indicators , smart supertrend, optimised trend tracker, end ema9-21 , but did you have some exemples of wining strategy with this indicators.

  2. Iván • 249 days ago #

    Hi! thanks. All of these codes are translations requested in the forum. I’ve on mind to backtest all of them.

  3. Raspete01 • 206 days ago #

    Buenos días Iván, estoy intentando llevar el código eliminando los colores y pasando un Backtest para sacar estadística de funcionamiento real.
    Marqué orden de compra y venta en el siguiente punto, por favor, está correcto ?
    Muchas gracias
    src = open
    prd = 2 //PP period
    factor = 3//Atr factor
    Pd = 12//Atr period
    len = 12//Cloud length
    Adxlen = 24//Adx length
    th = 24//Adx treshold
    showsignals = 0//boolean
    colorcandle = 0//boolean
    er = abs(src-src[len])/summation[len](abs(src-src[1]))

    fastlimit = er
    slowlimit = er*0.1

    if barindex<6 then
    mesaperiod = 0
    smooth = 0
    detrender = 0
    I1 = 0
    I2 = 0
    Q1 = 0
    jI = 0
    Q2 = 0
    phase = 0
    mesaperiodmult = 0.075*mesaperiod[1] + 0.54
    smooth = (4*src + 3*src[1]+2*src[2]+src[3])/10
    detrender = (0.0962*smooth + 0.5769*smooth[2] – 0.5769*smooth[4]-0.0962*smooth[6])*mesaPeriodMult
    I1= detrender[3]
    Q1 =(0.0962*detrender + 0.5769*detrender[2] – 0.5769*detrender[4]-0.0962*detrender[6])*mesaPeriodMult
    jI= (0.0962*I1 + 0.5769*I1[2] – 0.5769*I1[4]-0.0962*I1[6])*mesaPeriodMult
    jQ = (0.0962*Q1 + 0.5769*Q1[2] – 0.5769*Q1[4]-0.0962*Q1[6])*mesaPeriodMult
    I2 = I1 – jQ
    Q2 = Q1 + jI
    I2 = 0.2*I2 + 0.8*I2[1]
    Q2 = 0.2*Q2 + 0.8*Q2[1]
    Re = I2*I2[1] + Q2*Q2[1]
    Im = I2*Q2[1] – Q2*I2[1]
    Re = 0.2*Re + 0.8*Re[1]
    Im = 0.2*Im + 0.8*Im[1]
    if Re 0 and Im 0 then
    mesaperiod=2 * pi/atan(Im/Re)
    if mesaperiod>1.5*mesaperiod[1] then
    if mesaperiod<0.67*mesaperiod[1] then
    if mesaperiod 50 then
    mesaperiod = 50
    mesaperiod = 0.2*mesaperiod+0.8*mesaperiod[1]
    if I1 0 then
    deltaphase = phase[1]-phase
    if deltaphase < 1 then
    deltaphase = 1
    alpha = fastlimit/deltaphase
    if alpha < slowlimit then
    alpha = slowlimit

    a = alpha
    b = alpha/2

    if barindex kama[1]
    Scloud = kama mdi and myadx > th //long trend
    sadx = pdi th //short trend

    /////////PRICE POSITION
    ph1 = high < high[prd]
    ph2 = highest[prd](high) highest[prd](high)[prd+1]

    if ph1 and ph2 and ph3 then
    pivotH = high[prd]

    pivotH = pivotH

    pl1 = low > low[prd]
    pl2 = lowest[prd](low) > low[prd]
    pl3 = low[prd] < lowest[prd](low)[prd+1]

    if pl1 and pl2 and pl3 then
    pivotL = low[prd]

    pivotL = pivotL

    if barindex = 0 then
    center = 0
    lastpp = 0
    if pivotH pivotH[1] then
    lastpp = pivotH
    center = (center*2+lastpp)/3
    BUY 10000 CASH AT MARKET NextBarOpen
    elsif pivotL pivotL[1] then
    lastpp = pivotL
    center = (center*2+lastpp)/3
    sell at market NextBarOpen
    lastpp = lastpp[1]
    center = center[1]

    atr = averagetruerange[pd](close)
    Up = center-(factor*atr)
    Dn = center+(factor*atr)

    if close[1]>Tup[1] then
    Tup = max(Up,Tup[1])
    Tup = Up

    if close[1] Tdown[1] then
    Trend = 1
    elsif close < Tup[1] then
    Trend = -1
    Trend = Trend[1]
    if trend = 1 then
    Trailings1 = Tup
    Trailings1 = Tdown
    if showsignals then
    bsignal = Trend=1 and Trend[1]=-1
    ssignal = Trend=-1 and Trend[1]=1
    if bsignal and not Scloud then
    firstlong = Trailings1

    firstlong = undefined

    if ssignal and not Lcloud then
    firstshort = Trailings1

    firstshort = undefined


    secondlong = Lcloud and Ladx and trend=1
    secondshort = Scloud and Sadx and trend=-1

    long = secondlong and firstlong
    short = secondshort and firstshort

    once longshort = 0
    longlast = long and (longshort[1]=0 or longshort[1]=-1)
    shortlast = short and (longshort[1]=0 or longshort[1]=1)

    if longlast = 1 then
    longshort = 1
    elsif longshort = 1 then
    longshort = -1
    longshort = longshort[1]

    lastlongcond = long and longlast
    lastshortcond = short and shortlast

    if (bsignal and not scloud) or (lastlongcond) then
    longplot = Trailings1

    longplot = undefined

    if (ssignal and not lcloud) or (lastshortcond) then
    shortplot = trailings1

    shortplot = undefined

    if ssignal and lcloud then
    longstop = trailings1

    longstop = undefined

    if bsignal and scloud then
    shortstop = trailings1

    shortstop = undefined



    ///////////COLOR CANDLES
    if colorcandle then
    if Lcloud then
    elsif Scloud then

    //return mama as "Cloud A" coloured(rcloud,gcloud,bcloud), fama as "Cloud B" coloured(rcloud,gcloud,bcloud), Trailings1 as "PP line" coloured(rcloud,gcloud,bcloud)
    //return a*src as "a*src",(1-a) as "1-a"

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