kats BONJOUR je lai mis sur du renko , il est complexe car toujours a l'envers??? Peut être ne ...
RTR Great tool again and great job, thank you! So from what I see everytime Z-Score is over 0 m...
yas hi ivan I have logged this last week if when you get a chance if this can be converted ple...
supertiti Bel outil si on ne se tape pas sur les doigts avec ! Comment ajoute-on une image avec le co...
atlante hi nicolas this indicator have 2 wrong borderline and islalastbarupdate. thank you can you h...
Nicolas That'"s because you are not using PRT v11? Just remove lines 59 to 62
eivaremir have u got the trading view version?
luxrun bellissimo lavoro, Roberto, grazie!
robertogozzi I just discovered that ProOrder (for automated strategies) does not evaluate the expression ...
Akram Hi Roberto the WPZO is the bounded oscillator by percentage like the SHO Here is the artic...
rb-72 5 Minutes, 15 Minutes, The most effective 1 Hour below 0 or above 0 as a turn signal in the ...
Andraxx Interpretación de el indicador??? Gracias
TAC Bolsa Oscilador que hace una medición ponderara basado en la distancia entre precio y una media Mó...
julien1978 changing the trendDetectionLength setting does not seem to have any effect on the wave calcu...
arran i can't seem to get this indicator to work on forex pairs. it works great on indices etc. An...
Nicolas Indicator needs Volume, and there are no volumes with forex pairs with IG.
7 years ago
gatarayihajp Hi swingforfortune, Thanks a lot about your interesting posting. Let ask you to explain mor...
Swingforfortune Hello. Basically they are a twist of the MACD histogram and can be used as such. They visua...
gatarayihajp Hi again Thanks for the explanation. Have a good day
