issues/ questions with TIMEFRAME(weekly)

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProScreener support issues/ questions with TIMEFRAME(weekly)

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  • #140865

    Dear all,

    I have a small issue/question concerning the functionality of the timeframe.
    I do have a screener with timeframe (weekly) and timeframe(daily).

    here is my question. If I have some code like this in timeframe (weekly)

    does it actually take the current week into consideration (if I check e.g. on a Tuesday or Wednesday) or is the code actually looking into the last (closed) week?

    i also encounter that I get different results with the same screener if I look during the day or after trading hours… Is it possible that the system does look into the realtime information even though I just have the end of day account?

    thanks for some clarification

    best Morre

    nB: I just have the regular end of day free account


    It should take into account only the last closed weekkly candle (now it considers week Jul. 27-31) and the last closed daily candle (today it considers yesterday’s candle).

    Tomorrow it will still consider the same weekly candle as above, but today’s daily candle.



    Always use the ‘Insert PRT Code’ button when putting code in your posts to make it easier for others to read. Thank you 🙂


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    thanks a lot.

    I adjusted the screener accordingly. lets see tomorrow/next week if all is fine.

    all the best


    hi there,


    so, I did check it again. And today at 19.30 Berlin time, I ran the following screener as a test for the MDAX List.

    This time, the screener refereed to the current week (03.08.2020 – 07.08.2020) whereas yesterday it just took the past week Jul. 27-31 into consideration.

    Could somebody please look into this and/ or can explain the issue (and or check if occurs to all people the same)


    all the best and many thanks

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Yes, it’s the same for me.

    We must then assume the weekly TF is updated twice a week (wednesday and Saturday, or Friday night) or does it become LIVE for the last two days of the week ?

    You can check tomorrow morning, if the price is regularly updated live or not.



    I just ran the same screener with the Nasdaq. There the screener looked into the past week Jul. 27-31

    very strange and very inconvenient…


    could some of the architects look into this and bring some light into darkness.




    That could be because NASDAQ was not closed at the time of your test, while DAX was. Tomorrow morning NASDAQ might show the same as DAX.



    Dear Roberto,
    thanks for the clarification.

    Though, I think it is a bug – not really a feature – if a “weekly” timeframe is updated twice per week. In my opinion, the weekly should either a) be updated once a week e.g. Friday night, Saturday or Sunday or b) updated every day and looking back 7 days (rolling).

    maybe I miss a point why it should be of any advantage being updated twice per week. Instead, I see, that the screeners work differently depending on the day of the week

    if you have a better solution how to define search criteria in a weekly chart and at the same time in the daily chart, I am more than happy for all suggestions.

    thanks and all the best


    That could be because NASDAQ was not closed at the time of your test, while DAX was. Tomorrow morning NASDAQ might show the same as DAX.

    hi Roberto,

    is there an overview when (at what time/at what date/at what day of the week) the timeframes are closed (day, week, month etc)


    I don’t really know, you should ask PRT about this.



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