Technical problem with Stream Deck XL under Linux in PRT

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Technical problem with Stream Deck XL under Linux in PRT

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  • #182962

    I can’t get the Stream Deck XL to work in PRT with either Ubuntu Linux or my Gentoo Linux. Is there a howto for this somewhere? The Stream Deck XL works in Linux without any problems.I can program it as well as use the assigned keys.

    I have a /dev/streamdeck-xl in the dev directory and in /var/log/messages I also find the corresponding device from Elagato.

    I have also reported this problem 2 times to Prorealtime under the help option ( I have a technical problem). Unfortunately, there has been no feedback from technical support so far. Maybe someone has some information for me.

    Greetings Rene




    I have the same problem with both of my decks.

    One is Elgato Stream Deck Mini & another is XK 60
    Have you come to any conclusion?

    Thank you in advance.



    I got follow information from the ProRealTime support team. I added it in my Gentoo system and it works for me!


    Under Linux, there is an advanced manipulation that must be done in some cases to get the permissions to use the device.

    1) Paste the following line into a terminal and press Enter :

    sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-streamdeck.rules << EOF

    2) If a password is requested, type it in and then press Enter.

    3) The terminal line will then begin with the character ‘>’, insert the following line and then press Enter :

    SUBSYSTEMS==”usb”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”0fd9″, GROUP=”users”.

    4) Then insert the following line and press Enter again :


    5) Normally the terminal no longer shows the ‘>’ character but the ‘$’ character, so you need to restart the machine and try the device again in v11.

    6) Add the user to the users group.

    usermod -a -G users user



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