Problem in Code

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  • #5335

    Hello Everyone,

    In an article on the internet, named “Stock Market Health Indicator for ProRealtime”, about a year ago, there is a code that I want to insert in PRT.

    But alas, there appears a message which is to see on the included screenshot.

    A message appears that there is an error in the code.

    i it possible that someone with knowledge improves this error?
    The code will then be useful for the whole forum.
    Thanks and Regards,



    Hello Pearson, this is a syntax error. It means that something is misspelled in your code. I think the copy/paste of this code has replaced the quote marks with other characters. You just have to replace the line 7 with this line instead :




    Hello Nicolas,

    Thank you very much to solve the question!

    I am curious to see after a while, if the code has a meaning

    Thanks and with kind regards,




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