opentime bug or not?

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support opentime bug or not?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by avatarPaul.
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  • #160633

    is it a bug or not?

    If using criteria like this

    it still can open a trade sometimes at 000000 (assuming the rest of the code is good.)(on a 30s timeframe tested)

    Changing opentime to time fixes it.


    OpenTime is the time when a candle opens, Time when a candle closes.

    It seems correct.

    Try this indicator:



    with that indicator, it gives value 1 often at 23:59:30 for 1 bar



    same on dax & other timeframes like 5m, it’s off.

    switching to a stock, it’s ok



    That’s correct on a 30-second TF:

    • 23:59:30 is > 15:30:00  (OpenTime, the candle that OPENS at 15:30:00)
    • 23:59:30 is 00:00:00 when the last bar CLOSES and it’s < 16:00:00

    you probably should avoid mixing Opening and Closing times.


    1 user thanked author for this post.

    haha your right! I assumed you can use both, but I will stick to time and double check if I use opentime 🙂

    Thnx for the explanation!

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