indicator helps you identify market structure by plotting swing highs and lows

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support indicator helps you identify market structure by plotting swing highs and lows

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  • #207258

    hi Guys

    Can below code be converted into pro real time please if possible

    indicator(“Market Structure – By Leviathan”, overlay=true, max_labels_count=500, max_lines_count=500)

    // Constants
    color CLEAR = color.rgb(0,0,0,100)

    // Inputs
    swingSize =, ‘Swing Length’, tooltip=’The number of left and right bars checked when searching for a swing point. Higher value = less swing points plotted and lower value = more swing points plotted.’ )
    bosConfType = input.string(‘Candle Close’, ‘BOS Confirmation’, [‘Candle Close’, ‘Wicks’], tooltip=’Choose whether candle close/wick above previous swing point counts as a BOS.’)
    choch = input.bool(false, ‘Show CHoCH’, tooltip=’Renames the first counter trend BOS to CHoCH’ )
    showSwing = input.bool(true, ‘Show Swing Points’, tooltip=’Show or hide HH, LH, HL, LL’)

    showHalf = input.bool(false, ‘Show 0.5 Retracement Level’, group=’0.5 Retracement Level’, tooltip=’Show a possible 0.5 retracement level between the swing highs and lows of an expansion move.’)
    halfColor = input.color(color.rgb(41, 39, 176), ‘Color’, group=’0.5 Retracement Level’)
    halfStyle = input.string(‘Solid’, ‘Line Style’, [‘Solid’, ‘Dashed’, ‘Dotted’], group=’0.5 Retracement Level’)
    halfWidth =, ‘Width’, minval=1, group=’0.5 Retracement Level’)

    bosColor = input.color(color.rgb(112, 114, 119), ‘Color’, group=’BOS Settings’)
    bosStyle = input.string(‘Dashed’, ‘Line Style’, [‘Solid’, ‘Dashed’, ‘Dotted’], group=’BOS Settings’)
    bosWidth =, ‘Width’, minval=1, group=’BOS Settings’)

    // Functions
    lineStyle(x) =>
    switch x
    ‘Solid’ => line.style_solid
    ‘Dashed’ => line.style_dashed
    ‘Dotted’ => line.style_dotted
    // Calculations

    //Finding high and low pivots
    pivHi = ta.pivothigh(high, swingSize, swingSize)
    pivLo = ta.pivotlow(low, swingSize, swingSize)

    //Tracking the previous swing levels to determine hh lh hl ll
    var float prevHigh = na
    var float prevLow = na
    var int prevHighIndex = na
    var int prevLowIndex = na

    //Tracking whether previous levels have been breached
    var bool highActive = false
    var bool lowActive = false

    bool hh = false
    bool lh = false
    bool hl = false
    bool ll = false

    //Variable to track the previous swing type, used later on to draw 0.5 Retracement Levels (HH = 2, LH = 1, HL = -1, LL = -2)
    var int prevSwing = 0

    if not na(pivHi)
    if pivHi >= prevHigh
    hh := true
    prevSwing := 2
    lh := true
    prevSwing := 1
    prevHigh := pivHi
    highActive := true
    prevHighIndex := bar_index – swingSize

    if not na(pivLo)
    if pivLo >= prevLow
    hl := true
    prevSwing := -1
    ll := true
    prevSwing := -2
    prevLow := pivLo
    lowActive := true
    prevLowIndex := bar_index – swingSize

    //Generating the breakout signals
    bool highBroken = false
    bool lowBroken = false

    //Tracking prev breakout
    var int prevBreakoutDir = 0

    float highSrc = bosConfType == ‘Candle Close’ ? close : high
    float lowSrc = bosConfType == ‘Candle Close’ ? close : low

    if highSrc > prevHigh and highActive
    highBroken := true
    highActive := false
    if lowSrc < prevLow and lowActive
    lowBroken := true
    lowActive := false

    // Visual Output

    //Swing level labels
    if hh and showSwing – swingSize, pivHi, ‘HH’, color=CLEAR, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=chart.fg_color)
    //Detecting if it is a hh after a hl
    if prevSwing[1] == -1 and showHalf, (prevLow + pivHi) / 2, bar_index – swingSize, (prevLow + pivHi) / 2, color=halfColor, style=lineStyle(halfStyle), width=halfWidth)
    if lh and showSwing – swingSize, pivHi, ‘LH’, color=CLEAR, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=chart.fg_color)
    if hl and showSwing – swingSize, pivLo, ‘HL’, color=CLEAR, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=chart.fg_color)
    if ll and showSwing – swingSize, pivLo, ‘LL’, color=CLEAR, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=chart.fg_color)
    //Detecting if it is a ll after a lh
    if prevSwing[1] == 1 and showHalf, (prevHigh + pivLo) / 2, bar_index – swingSize, (prevHigh + pivLo) / 2, color=halfColor, style=lineStyle(halfStyle), width=halfWidth)

    //Generating the BOS Lines
    if highBroken, prevHigh, bar_index, prevHigh, color=bosColor, style=lineStyle(bosStyle), width=bosWidth) – (bar_index – prevHighIndex) / 2), prevHigh, prevBreakoutDir == -1 and choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’, color=CLEAR, textcolor=bosColor, size=size.tiny)
    prevBreakoutDir := 1
    if lowBroken, prevLow, bar_index, prevLow, color=bosColor, style=lineStyle(bosStyle), width=bosWidth) – (bar_index – prevLowIndex) / 2), prevLow, prevBreakoutDir == 1 and choch ? ‘CHoCH’ : ‘BOS’, color=CLEAR, textcolor=bosColor, style=label.style_label_up, size=size.tiny)
    prevBreakoutDir := -1


    Not the same code but pretty similar to this swing High/Low HH HL LL LH code available here:

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