Conversion TradingView to ProRealtime – Higher Highs and Lower Lows

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  • #93990


    I want to use ProRealtime in the near future for my trading. Therefore, I need help to convert some scripts from Tradingview to ProRealtime. I tried to code this in ProRealtime, but it’s very hard with no experience. The first script contains Higher High/Lower Low detection.

    Tradingview code:

    study(“HHLL”, overlay=true)

    Fractal(mode) =>
    ret = mode == 1 ? high[4] < high[2] and high[3] <= high[2] and high[2] >= high[1] and high[2] > high[0] : mode == -1 ? low[4] > low[2] and low[3] >= low[2] and low[2] <= low[1] and low[2] < low[0] : false

    topf = Fractal(1)
    botf = Fractal(-1)

    higherhigh = topf == false ? false : (valuewhen(topf == true, high[2], 1) < valuewhen(topf == true, high[2], 0))
    lowerlow = botf == false ? false : (valuewhen(botf == true, low[2], 1) > valuewhen(botf == true, low[2], 0))

    plotshape(higherhigh, title=’Higher High’, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=black, text=”HH”, offset=-2)
    plotshape(lowerlow, title=’Lower Low’, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=black, text=”LL”, offset=-2)


    Can anyone provide an exact conversion to ProRealtime?

    What would be the corresponding screener? I want to screen for LL or HH ONLY two days (maybe also variable selection) after their occurency. The selection to screen for HH or LL should be possible.


    The HH/LL show up in the chart after the second day of their occurency. See the picture in the attachment – the last HH shows up today and remains if the todays close is below the HH. If todays close will be higher then the HH will disappear. It is also important to consider that the plot needs to be shifted by 2. In Tradingview this can be done by oofset=-2.

    The HHLL should work for every timeframe depending on the timeframe of the chart.

    Thanks for your help and best regards.




    Here is the code for the higher high / lower low indicator translated to ProRealTime:

    If you think that it is the exact conversion, then I will help you making the screener.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Thanks for the quick reply, Nicolas!

    At first glance, the code looks good and should do the same like in Tradingview. Therefore, it would be great if you could help with the screener. It should be possible to switch the scan between LL and HH. Since a LL/HH remains only after the 2nd bar close, also the lookback period for the scan should be switchable – e.g.  scan for LL with a lokback period of 2 bars. Interesting would be a range for the lookback period of 2 to 10 bars. If I define a lookback period of 2, the screener shouldn’t show stocks with LL at 3 bars in the past.

    Best regards!


    Here is the stock screener code to find higher highs and lower lows in the last “lookback” periods:



    It works very good…thank you very much!!!


    Hello, I’ve the same problem, I need help to convert some scripts from Tradingview to ProRealtime.

    Here is the code in Pine Editor:

    //Credit to (I just changed the visuals and added alerts)
    study(“PPO Divergence Alerts”, overlay=false)

    source = open
    long_term_div = input(true, title=”Use long term Divergences?”)
    div_lookback_period = input(55, minval=1, title=”Lookback Period”)
    fastLength = input(12, minval=1), slowLength=input(26,minval=1)
    smoother = input(2,minval=1)
    fastMA = ema(source, fastLength)
    slowMA = ema(source, slowLength)
    macd = fastMA – slowMA
    d = sma(macd2, smoother) // smoothing PPO

    bullishPrice = low

    priceMins = bullishPrice > bullishPrice[1] and bullishPrice[1] < bullishPrice[2] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[3] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] == low[3] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[4] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] == low[3] and low[1] and low[1] == low[4] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[5] // this line identifies bottoms and plateaus in the price
    oscMins= d > d[1] and d[1] < d[2] // this line identifies bottoms in the PPO

    BottomPointsInPPO = oscMins

    bearishPrice = high
    priceMax = bearishPrice < bearishPrice[1] and bearishPrice[1] > bearishPrice[2] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[3] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] == high[3] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[4] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] == high[3] and high[1] and high[1] == high[4] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[5] // this line identifies tops in the price
    oscMax = d < d[1] and d[1] > d[2] // this line identifies tops in the PPO

    TopPointsInPPO = oscMax

    currenttrough4=valuewhen (oscMins, d[1], 0) // identifies the value of PPO at the most recent BOTTOM in the PPO
    lasttrough4=valuewhen (oscMins, d[1], 1) // NOT USED identifies the value of PPO at the second most recent BOTTOM in the PPO
    currenttrough5=valuewhen (oscMax, d[1], 0) // identifies the value of PPO at the most recent TOP in the PPO
    lasttrough5=valuewhen (oscMax, d[1], 1) // NOT USED identifies the value of PPO at the second most recent TOP in the PPO

    currenttrough6=valuewhen (priceMins, low[1], 0) // this line identifies the low (price) at the most recent bottom in the Price
    lasttrough6=valuewhen (priceMins, low[1], 1) // NOT USED this line identifies the low (price) at the second most recent bottom in the Price
    currenttrough7=valuewhen (priceMax, high[1], 0) // this line identifies the high (price) at the most recent top in the Price
    lasttrough7=valuewhen (priceMax, high[1], 1) // NOT USED this line identifies the high (price) at the second most recent top in the Price

    delayedlow = priceMins and barssince(oscMins) < 3 ? low[1] : na
    delayedhigh = priceMax and barssince(oscMax) < 3 ? high[1] : na

    // only take tops/bottoms in price when tops/bottoms are less than 5 bars away
    filter = barssince(priceMins) < 5 ? lowest(currenttrough6, 4) : na
    filter2 = barssince(priceMax) < 5 ? highest(currenttrough7, 4) : na

    //delayedbottom/top when oscillator bottom/top is earlier than price bottom/top
    y11 = valuewhen(oscMins, delayedlow, 0)
    y12 = valuewhen(oscMax, delayedhigh, 0)

    // only take tops/bottoms in price when tops/bottoms are less than 5 bars away, since 2nd most recent top/bottom in osc
    y2=valuewhen(oscMax, filter2, 1) // identifies the highest high in the tops of price with 5 bar lookback period SINCE the SECOND most recent top in PPO
    y6=valuewhen(oscMins, filter, 1) // identifies the lowest low in the bottoms of price with 5 bar lookback period SINCE the SECOND most recent bottom in PPO

    long_term_bull_filt = valuewhen(priceMins, lowest(div_lookback_period), 1)
    long_term_bear_filt = valuewhen(priceMax, highest(div_lookback_period), 1)

    y3=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough5, 0) // identifies the value of PPO in the most recent top of PPO
    y4=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough5, 1) // identifies the value of PPO in the second most recent top of PPO

    y7=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough4, 0) // identifies the value of PPO in the most recent bottom of PPO
    y8=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough4, 1) // identifies the value of PPO in the SECOND most recent bottom of PPO

    y9=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough6, 0)
    y10=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough7, 0)

    bulldiv= BottomPointsInPPO ? d[1] : na // plots dots at bottoms in the PPO
    beardiv= TopPointsInPPO ? d[1]: na // plots dots at tops in the PPO

    i = currenttrough5 < highest(d, div_lookback_period) // long term bearish oscilator divergence
    i2 = y10 > long_term_bear_filt // long term bearish top divergence
    i3 = delayedhigh > long_term_bear_filt // long term bearish delayedhigh divergence

    i4 = currenttrough4 > lowest(d, div_lookback_period) // long term bullish osc divergence
    i5 = y9 < long_term_bull_filt // long term bullish bottom div
    i6 = delayedlow < long_term_bull_filt // long term bullish delayedbottom div

    plot(0, color=gray)
    plot(d, color=black)
    plot(bulldiv, title = “Bottoms”, color=maroon, style=circles, linewidth=3, offset= -1)
    plot(beardiv, title = “Tops”, color=green, style=circles, linewidth=3, offset= -1)

    bearishdiv1 = (y10 > y2 and oscMax and y3 < y4) ? true : false
    bearishdiv2 = (delayedhigh > y2 and y3 < y4) ? true : false
    bearishdiv3 = (long_term_div and oscMax and i and i2) ? true : false
    bearishdiv4 = (long_term_div and i and i3) ? true : false

    bullishdiv1 = (y9 < y6 and oscMins and y7 > y8) ? true : false
    bullishdiv2 = (delayedlow < y6 and y7 > y8) ? true : false
    bullishdiv3 = (long_term_div and oscMins and i4 and i5) ? true : false
    bullishdiv4 = (long_term_div and i4 and i6) ? true : false

    bearish = bearishdiv1 or bearishdiv2 or bearishdiv3 or bearishdiv4
    bullish = bullishdiv1 or bullishdiv2 or bullishdiv3 or bullishdiv4

    greendot = beardiv != 0 ? true : false
    reddot = bulldiv != 0 ? true : false

    alertcondition( bearish, title=”Bearish Signal (Orange Circle)”, message=”Orange & Bearish: Short ” )
    alertcondition( bullish, title=”Bullish Signal (Purple Circle)”, message=”Purple & Bullish: Long ” )
    alertcondition( greendot, title=”PPO High (Green Dot)”, message=”Green High Point: Short ” )
    alertcondition( reddot, title=”PPO Low (Red Dot)”, message=”Red Low Point: Long ” )

    plot(y10>y2 and oscMax and y3 < y4 ? d :na, title = “Bearish Divergence1”, color=orange, style= circles, linewidth=6)
    plot(y9<y6 and oscMins and y7 > y8 ? d :na, title = “Bullish Divergence1”, color=purple, style=circles, linewidth=6)
    plot(delayedhigh>y2 and y3 < y4 ? d :na, title = “Bearish Divergence2”, color=orange, style= circles, linewidth=6)
    plot(delayedlow<y6 and y7 > y8 ? d :na, title = “Bullish Divergence2”, color=purple, style=circles, linewidth=6)

    plot(long_term_div and oscMax and i and i2 ? d :na, title = “Bearish Divergence3”, color=orange, style= circles, linewidth=6)
    plot(long_term_div and oscMins and i4 and i5 ? d : na, title = “Bullish Divergence3”, color=purple, style=circles, linewidth=6)
    plot(long_term_div and i and i3 ? d :na, title = “Bearish Divergence4”, color=orange, style= circles, linewidth=6)
    plot(long_term_div and oscMins and i5 and i6 ? d : na, title = “Bullish Divergence4”, color=purple, style=circles, linewidth=6)

    Thanks for your help and best regards!!



    The PPO divergences indicator has already been converted, look at this post:

    Please update your country flag and use the appropriate page to ask for code conversion next time: Ask for a free code conversion

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Hallo Nicolas,
    Thank you for your post. Great help.
    It would be even greater if this indicator also contains the codes for Higher Low and Lower High.
    Is it possible for you to add this to his indicator or make an additional one?

    Thank you in advance.


    Hello, I’ve the same problem, I need help to convert some scripts from Tradingview to ProRealtime.

    Here is the code :

    study(title=”14/30 SMA Split Divergence”, overlay=false)
    fourteen = sma(close, 14)
    thirty = sma(close, 30)
    //plot(short, color =
    //plot(long, color =
    float divergence = fourteen / thirty -1
    plot(divergence, style = plot.style_columns, color = divergence >= 0 ? #59FF00 : #FF0000)
    band2 = hline(0, color = color.gray, linewidth = 1, linestyle=hline.style_solid)

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