Conversion Market Thrust Indicator de Trading View

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  • #114507

    Voici le lien d’origine.

    The Market Thrust indicator is a powerful measure of the stock market’s internal strength or weakness. There are four components to this indicator:

    1-Advancing Issues on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) – $ADV
    2-Advancing Volume on the NYSE – $UVOL
    3-Declining Issues on the NYSE – $DECL
    4-Declining Volume on the NYSE – $DVOL

    study(shorttitle=”MTI”, title=”Market Thrust Indicator”, overlay=false)

    m_src = input(close, title=”Fuente para calculo de MTI”)
    ma_type = input(defval=”SMA”, title=”MA Tipo: “, options=[“SMA”, “EMA”, “WMA”, “VWMA”, “SMMA”, “DEMA”, “TEMA”, “HullMA”, “ZEMA”, “TMA”, “SSMA”])
    ma_len = input(defval=20, title=”MA Periodo”, minval=1)
    reaction = input(defval=1, title=”MA Reaccion”, minval=1)

    adv = security(“USI:ADV”, timeframe.period, m_src)
    uvol = security(“USI:UVOL”, timeframe.period, m_src)
    decl = security(“USI:DECL”, timeframe.period, m_src)
    dvol = security(“USI:DVOL”, timeframe.period, m_src)

    mti = (adv * uvol) – (decl * dvol)
    ma_src = mti

    // SuperSmoother filter
    // © 2013 John F. Ehlers
    variant_supersmoother(src, len) =>
    a1 = exp(-1.414 * 3.14159 / len)
    b1 = 2 * a1 * cos(1.414 * 3.14159 / len)
    c2 = b1
    c3 = -a1 * a1
    c1 = 1 – c2 – c3
    v9 = 0.0
    v9 := c1 * (src + nz(src[1])) / 2 + c2 * nz(v9[1]) + c3 * nz(v9[2])

    variant_smoothed(src, len) =>
    v5 = 0.0
    sma_1 = sma(src, len)
    v5 := na(v5[1]) ? sma_1 : (v5[1] * (len – 1) + src) / len

    variant_zerolagema(src, len) =>
    ema1 = ema(src, len)
    ema2 = ema(ema1, len)
    v10 = ema1 + ema1 – ema2

    variant_doubleema(src, len) =>
    v2 = ema(src, len)
    v6 = 2 * v2 – ema(v2, len)

    variant_tripleema(src, len) =>
    v2 = ema(src, len)
    v7 = 3 * (v2 – ema(v2, len)) + ema(ema(v2, len), len)

    variant(type, src, len) =>
    ema_1 = ema(src, len)
    wma_1 = wma(src, len)
    vwma_1 = vwma(src, len)
    variant_smoothed__1 = variant_smoothed(src, len)
    variant_doubleema__1 = variant_doubleema(src, len)
    variant_tripleema__1 = variant_tripleema(src, len)
    wma_2 = wma(src, len / 2)
    wma_3 = wma(src, len)
    wma_4 = wma(2 * wma_2 – wma_3, round(sqrt(len)))
    variant_supersmoother__1 = variant_supersmoother(src, len)
    variant_zerolagema__1 = variant_zerolagema(src, len)
    sma_1 = sma(src, len)
    sma_2 = sma(sma_1, len)
    sma_3 = sma(src, len)
    type == “EMA” ? ema_1 : type == “WMA” ? wma_1 :
    type == “VWMA” ? vwma_1 : type == “SMMA” ? variant_smoothed__1 :
    type == “DEMA” ? variant_doubleema__1 : type == “TEMA” ? variant_tripleema__1 :
    type == “HullMA” ? wma_4 : type == “SSMA” ? variant_supersmoother__1 :
    type == “ZEMA” ? variant_zerolagema__1 : type == “TMA” ? sma_2 : sma_3

    // === Moving Average
    ma_series = variant(ma_type, ma_src, ma_len)

    direction = 0
    falling_1 = falling(ma_series, reaction)
    direction := rising(ma_series, reaction) ? 1 : falling_1 ? -1 : nz(direction[1])
    change_direction = change(direction, 1)

    pcol = direction > 0 ? color.lime : direction < 0 ? : na // A pintar hline(0, title='Pi',, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1, title="Nivel 0") plot(mti,, linewidth=2, transp=0, title="MTI") plot(ma_series, color=pcol, style=plot.style_line, join=true, linewidth=3, transp=10, title="MA")


    Désolé mais cet indicateur utilise 4 instruments différents pour ses calculs, hors nous n’avons pas encore de support multi instruments dans ProBuilder 🙁 Mais ne désespérons pas, cela viendra après le MTF pour ProBuilder prévu en 2020.


    Hi Nic,

    Do you’ve update on “MTF for ProBuilder scheduled for 2020.”? Sorry haven’t searched myself yet.


    please ignore above update as I’ve just seen your MTF post.

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