Code with infinite loop

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Code with infinite loop

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  • #205030

    Hello all,

    I created an indicator that works well till 85 tick, but when i decrease tick under 85 the sistem show me infinite cicle.

    Could anyone help me to understand where is the problem?

    Here the block code that cause error:

    for i=1 to nBarre-1 do
    if price=price[i] then


    Thanks a lot


    I moved it from the Italian forum.

    Please choose the correct language and forum, please.

    Thank you 🙂



    What is the value of “nBarre” please?


    Hi Nicolas, below the entire code, anyway nBarre is intradaybarindex


    for i=1 to nBarre-1 do
    if price=price[i] then


    Are you using version prior to v11.1? “price” is now a reserved keyword. How many units do you displayed? The code is working fine for me on a 20 ticks timeframes.


    I’m using T3 version, I don’t know what but is old.
    Regarding the unit the code crashing below 84 tick of dax.


    T3 is based upon PRT version from 2009 and it is not supported anymore. I’m sorry I dont think I can do anything about your issue. The platform core and language had considerably evolved since then!


    Ok Nicolas. thanks again

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