Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support AUTOMATIC RESTART OF AUTOMATIC TRADING

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  • #218960

    I often find that Automatic Trading is stopped arbitrarily with a message similar to “your order was not processed properly”, especially during strong variations (such as “news” on EUR/USD).

    It is then necessary to restart the whole process manually…. which is very annoying and goes against the supposed “automaticity” of the program.

    1. Is there a way to avoid such “processing problem” occuring?
    2. Is there a way to avoid the ProOrder program being stopped, even though the trading platform  might have encountered a temporary problem with processing?
    3. Is there a way to restart ProOrder automatically following such temporary processing problem?

    Thank you for your support

    Phil TEG

    1.  Maybe, but a skilled coder would need to see your code.  You could post your code on here.
    2. Same as above.
    3. No.

    We are all plaugued by System stoppages (for various reasons), but, for the record and surprisingly, I have experienced loads less stoppages (than normal) in the past week or so.

    Most of my Systems are on DJI, so I have put above down to the more gradual increase / decrease of DJI price in the last week or so?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    1. those processing problems are generated by the broker itself, which cannot serve your orders at the desired price (slippage), it can happen during huge market events
    2. when an order cannot be placed, the code retries to send it.. if too many unsuccessful retries occurs, the code is stopped for security reason (to avoid issue on your trading account).

    no way this is a real bug.

    There should be an option to manage this situation, for example, by enabling partial order fills or reject, and let us to manage in code/exception.

    Better it wuold be to have more type of order, not only limit or stop.

    The worst solution is to shut down the trading system.

    PRT should find a solution for this bug as soon as possible

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