Daily ATR Levels Trading view script. Help in converting into prorealtime please

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Daily ATR Levels Trading view script. Help in converting into prorealtime please

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by avataryas.
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  • #215106

    // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

    // © sbtnc

    // Created: 2020-09-06

    // Last modified: 2023-02-22

    // Version 5.0

    // @version=5

    indicator(“Daily ATR Levels”, “D ATR”, true)


    // Constants




    var DEFAULT_LINE_STYLE = line.style_dotted


    var DEFAULT_LABEL_COLOR = color(na)

    var DEFAULT_LABEL_STYLE = label.style_label_left

    var DEFAULT_NOTIF_POSITION = position.bottom_right

    var DEFAULT_NOTIF_TEXTCOLOR = chart.fg_color

    var DEFAULT_NOTIF_BGCOLOR = color.new(color.gray, 90)


    // Inputs


    // Groups

    var g1 = “ATR”

    var g2 = “Style”

    var g3 = “Preferences”

    // Tooltips

    var t_value = “Calculate the levels using yesterday’s ATR or today’s ATR.”

    var t_overflowColor = “Coloring after the price reached or exceeded the ATR boundary.”

    var t_showStartOffset = “Draw levels on the right side of the price only.\n\n” +

    “When disabled, draw levels from the start of the day.”

    var t_showNext = “Plot the next day’s ATR levels when the market is closed.\n\n” +

    “Use this option if you like to plan your trades ahead of the next day or prepare on the weekend for Monday.”

    // Inputs

    var i_period = input.int (20, “Length”, 1, group=g1)

    var i_value = input.string (“Yesterday”, “Reference”, [“Today”, “Yesterday”], group=g1)

    var i_color = input (color.gray, “Color”, group=g2)

    var i_overflowColor = input (color.new(#50535e, 50), “Overflow Color”, t_overflowColor, group=g2)

    var i_showStartOffset = input (true, “Show Start Offset”, t_showStartOffset, group=g3)

    var i_showNextDay = input (false, “Show Next ATR Levels”, t_showNext, group=g3)


    // Functions


    // @function Return the number of decimals from a given number

    // @return int

    f_countDecimals(float _n) =>

    _str = str.tostring(_n)

    _count = 0

    // Number is a decimal

    if str.contains(_str, “.”)

    _split = str.split(_str, “.”)

    _count := str.length(array.get(_split, 1))


    // @function Return a number rounded to the precision of the symbol’s mintick (different than math.round_to_mintick)

    // @return float

    f_roundToMinPrecision(float _n) =>

    var minPrecision = f_countDecimals(syminfo.mintick)

    math.round(_n, minPrecision)

    // @function Check if the market is closed

    // @return bool

    f_isMarketClosed() =>

    barstate.islast and barstate.islastconfirmedhistory

    // @function Check if the indicator should display the next session ATR

    // return bool

    f_canShowNextATR() =>

    i_showNextDay and f_isMarketClosed()

    // @function Return the ATR value used as a reference

    // @return float

    f_getRefAtr(float _current, float _previous) =>

    switch i_value

    “Today” => _current

    “Yesterday” => _previous

    // @function Return the “true” high price (considering gaps volatility)

    // @return float

    f_getTopPrice(_prevClose, float _high) =>

    math.max(_prevClose, _high)

    // @function Return the “true” low price (considering gaps volatility)

    // @return float

    f_getBottomPrice(float _prevClose, float _low) =>

    math.min(_prevClose, _low)

    // @function Calculate the upside ATR level

    // @return float

    f_calculateAtrHigh(float _bottom, float _atr) =>

    _bottom + _atr

    // @function Calculate the downside ATR level

    // @return float

    f_calculateAtrLow(float _top, float _atr) =>

    _top – _atr

    // @function Draw a level’s line

    // @return void

    f_drawLine(int _x1, int _x2, float _y, color _c) =>

    var _l = line.new(na, na, na, na, style=DEFAULT_LINE_STYLE, width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH)

    if barstate.islast

    line.set_xy1(_l, _x1, _y)

    line.set_xy2(_l, _x2, _y)

    line.set_color(_l, _c)

    // @function Draw a level’s label and tooltips

    // @return void

    f_drawLabel(int _x, float _y, string _t, color _textColor, string _tooltip) =>

    var _l = label.new(na, na, style=DEFAULT_LABEL_STYLE, color=DEFAULT_LABEL_COLOR)

    if barstate.islast

    label.set_xy(_l, _x, _y)

    label.set_text(_l, _t)

    label.set_textcolor(_l, _textColor)

    label.set_tooltip(_l, _tooltip)

    // @function Draw the table showing the indicator notifications

    // return int

    f_drawNotificationTable(array<bool> _conditions, array<string> _texts, array<string> _tooltips) =>

    // For the implementation purpose, throw an error when missing an element

    _conditionsSize = array.size(_conditions)

    _textsSize = array.size(_texts)

    _tooltipsSize = array.size(_tooltips)

    if _conditionsSize != _textsSize or _conditionsSize != _tooltipsSize

    runtime.error(“Notification error: missing element in arrays.”)

    // Create the notification table

    var table _t = na

    var _columns = _conditionsSize

    var _rows = 1

    if barstate.isfirst

    _t := table.new(DEFAULT_NOTIF_POSITION, _columns, _rows)

    if barstate.islast

    // Clear previous notifications

    table.clear(_t, 0, 0, _columns – 1, _rows – 1)

    // Count the number of active notifications

    _active = 0

    for [index, _condition] in _conditions

    if _condition

    _text = array.get(_texts, index)

    _tooltip = array.get(_tooltips, index)

    table.cell(_t, _active, 0, _text, text_color=DEFAULT_NOTIF_TEXTCOLOR, bgcolor=DEFAULT_NOTIF_BGCOLOR, tooltip=_tooltip)

    _active += 1

    // @function Returns the indicator strings

    // @return [string, string, string]

    f_getStrings(float _upperLevel, float _lowerlevel, float _atr) =>







    // Variables declarations


    var float dayHigh = na

    var float dayLow = na

    var float prevDayClose = na

    var int dayBarIndex = na

    var float bottomPrice = na

    var float topPrice = na

    [dayAtr, prevDayAtr] = request.security(



    [ta.atr(i_period), ta.atr(i_period)[1]],

    lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

    // For avoiding unexpected behaviors, don’t display the indicator when requesting daily data on higher time frames

    canDisplay = timeframe.in_seconds() <= timeframe.in_seconds(“D”)

    atr = f_getRefAtr(dayAtr, prevDayAtr)


    // Logic


    // *

    // * For the historical values

    // *

    // Track the day’s high and low on runtime instead of fetching them from a security call

    // This aims to avoid the future leak from the “jump” when using the bar replay function

    // 1/ Init on the first bar of the chart

    // 2/ Reset on new day change (condition should cover the extended sessions bars)

    if timeframe.change(“D”) or barstate.isfirst

    dayHigh := high

    dayLow := low

    prevDayClose := close[1]

    dayBarIndex := bar_index

    // Track the new higher high and lower low

    dayHigh := math.max(high, dayHigh)

    dayLow := math.min(low, dayLow)

    // Get the top and bottom anchor prices for calculating the levels (gap minded)

    bottomPrice := f_getBottomPrice (prevDayClose, dayLow)

    topPrice := f_getTopPrice (prevDayClose, dayHigh)

    // Compute the ATR levels prices

    atrHigh = f_calculateAtrHigh(bottomPrice, atr)

    atrLow = f_calculateAtrLow (topPrice, atr)

    // Handle the condiditional coloring

    c_atrHigh = dayHigh >= atrHigh ? i_overflowColor : i_color

    c_atrLow = dayLow <= atrLow ? i_overflowColor : i_color

    // *

    // * For the levels

    // *

    // Normally showing the current/last ATR levels

    upperLevel = atrHigh

    lowerLevel = atrLow

    c_upperLevel = c_atrHigh

    c_lowerLevel = c_atrLow

    // Except when showing the next ATR levels

    // In this case, we override values

    if f_canShowNextATR()

    upperLevel := f_calculateAtrHigh(close, atr)

    lowerLevel := f_calculateAtrLow (close, atr)

    c_upperLevel := i_color

    c_lowerLevel := i_color


    // Plotting & styling


    // Draw the upper and lower levels (lines and labels)

    if canDisplay

    // Get all the strings

    [_atrHighStr, _atrLowStr, _atrStr] = f_getStrings(upperLevel, lowerLevel, atr)

    // Composes labels and tooltips’ texts

    upperLabelText = str.format(“{0} ({1})”, _atrHighStr, _atrStr)

    lowerLabelText = _atrLowStr

    upperLabelTooltip = str.format(“{0} (D ATR: {1})”, _atrHighStr, _atrStr)

    lowerLabelTooltip = str.format(“{0} (D ATR: {1})”, _atrLowStr, _atrStr)

    // Draw lines and labels

    _offset = bar_index + DEFAULT_OFFSET_START

    _start = i_showStartOffset ? _offset : dayBarIndex

    _end = _offset + DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH

    f_drawLine (_start, _end, atrHigh, c_upperLevel)

    f_drawLine (_start, _end, atrLow, c_lowerLevel)

    f_drawLabel (_end, atrHigh, upperLabelText, c_upperLevel, upperLabelTooltip)

    f_drawLabel (_end, atrLow, lowerLabelText, c_lowerLevel, lowerLabelTooltip)

    // Plot the levels’ labels on the price scale

    // (as well as providing generic alert conditions)

    plot(canDisplay ? upperLevel : na, “Upper Level”, c_upperLevel, editable=false, show_last=1, display=display.price_scale)

    plot(canDisplay ? lowerLevel : na, “Lower Level”, c_lowerLevel, editable=false, show_last=1, display=display.price_scale)

    // Plot all historical values on the status line and data window

    // (as well as providing generic alert conditions)

    plot(canDisplay ? atrHigh : na, “ATR High”, c_atrHigh, editable=false, display=display.status_line + display.data_window)

    plot(canDisplay ? atrLow : na, “ATR Low”, c_atrLow, editable=false, display=display.status_line + display.data_window)

    plot(canDisplay ? atr : na, “ATR”, i_overflowColor, editable=false, display=display.status_line + display.data_window)

    // Draw the notification table

    notifications = array.from(

    f_canShowNextATR() and canDisplay,

    not canDisplay


    notificationMessages = array.from(




    notificationsTooltips = array.from(

    “The D ATR is currently displaying how the levels would look at the next session’s open.”,

    “The D ATR is currently not displayed. Please select a higher timeframe on the indicator’s settings.”


    f_drawNotificationTable(notifications, notificationMessages, notificationsTooltips)


    Hello, please, thanks.

    By reading the author description, it plots the daily ATR period 20 from the previous day and anchor it on current day low and high:




    Thanks mate

    much appreciated

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