
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • #115567

    Hi everyone,

    I am looking for an indicator “STMT ELF” (see the picture) please.
    There is the code part

    Thank you !!


    Your code is almost complete, the only line I added was RETURN.

    Will you please post details on how to use it and some links where we can find info, in case other users are interested in it.

    Thank you.




    Thank you !!

    I am just starting to look about this indicator so I can’t give any advices about it unfortunately



    Never end of this one, why such multiplicator and divisor in the formula? Did a simple search on the web and found nothing. Thank you for any additional information 🙂


    It’s the “Stochastique Pondérée Moyen Terme” by Eric Lefort and you can find the explanation at


    STPMT ça me disait quelque chose, c’est un vieux truc d’Univers bourse où Eric Lefort était un pilier, je ne sais pas s’il est toujours actif?

    le site a perdu de son interêt depuis qu’il a été racheté, c’était mieux avant comme dirait l’autre.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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