Over RSI for a set period

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Over RSI for a set period

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  • #220429

    In commodities like oil and gas the market loves to squeeze users who enter a short or long because RSI passes a certain threshold, because as an indicator it leads to many jumping the gun, while MACD is too much of a lag.

    Is there a way to code to not just measure RSI going above a level, but put an optimised condition of how long above that level it stays before entering a short or long. (Not the frequency it hits the level)



    You can indeed introduce an extra condition to determine and optimize the number of bars above a certain level…



    This example will make sure that RSI has always been in OverBought in the last 10 bars:

    add myCond to your conditions to enter a trade.



    THanks both! Will give it a go

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