I want to convert the TradingView indicator code to MT4

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support I want to convert the TradingView indicator code to MT4

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  • #229513

    indicator(‘AIO Key Levels’, overlay=true)
    group = ‘SETTINGS’
    displaystyle = input.string(‘Standard’, ‘ Display Style’, group = group, inline=’onest’, options=[‘Standard’, ‘Right’, ‘Both’, ‘Left’])
    linestyle = input.string(‘Dotted’, ‘ Line Style ’, group = group, inline=’twost’, options=[‘Solid’, ‘Dashed’, ‘Dotted’])
    fontstyle = input.string(‘Monospace’, ‘ Font Type ’, group = group, inline=’trest’, options=[‘Monospace’, ‘Default’])
    labelpos = input.string(‘Middle’, ‘ Label Pos ’, group = group, inline=’ ‘, options=[‘Middle’, ‘Top’])
    bar_offset = input.int (30, ‘ Offset  ’, group = group, inline=’onest’, minval=0, maxval=450, step = 5)
    threshold = input.float (0.1, ‘ Threshold %’, group = group, inline=’twost’, minval=0, step=0.05, tooltip=’Threshold – the distance between the levels after which the labels merge.’)
    index = input.int (0, ‘ Index   ’, group = group, inline=’trest’, minval=0, step=1, tooltip=’Index – Default 0 allows you to see current and past price levels. Changing to 1 will shift the current levels to the previous levels, and the previous levels to the previous levels, etc.’)
    color_cD = input.color (#2a89c9, ‘ cD’, group = group, inline=’cols1′)
    color_cW = input.color (#b7d123, ‘ cW’, group = group, inline=’cols1′)
    color_cM = input.color (#8056b8, ‘ cM’, group = group, inline=’cols1′)
    color_cQ = input.color (#c23eb0, ‘ cQ’, group = group, inline=’cols1′)
    color_cY = input.color (#d62e28, ‘ cY’, group = group, inline=’cols1′)
    color_pD = input.color (#2a89c9, ‘ pD’, group = group, inline=’cols2′)
    color_pW = input.color (#b7d123, ‘ pW’, group = group, inline=’cols2′)
    color_pM = input.color (#8056b8, ‘ pM’, group = group, inline=’cols2′)
    color_pQ = input.color (#c23eb0, ‘ pQ’, group = group, inline=’cols2′)
    color_pY = input.color (#d62e28, ‘ pY’, group = group, inline=’cols2′, tooltip=”Prefix ‘C’ = Current/today. \nPrefix ‘P’ = Previous/yesterday. \nPrefix ‘D’ = Day. \nPrefix ‘W’ = Week. \nPrefix ‘M’ = Mounth. \nPrefix ‘Q’ = Quarterly. \nPrefix ‘Y’ = Year.'” )
    i_tG = input.bool (false, ‘ Global Color Text’, group = group, inline=’colsg’)
    color_tG = input.color (#ffffff, ‘ ’, group = group, inline=’colsg’)
    i_lG = input.bool (false, ‘ Global Color Line’, group = group, inline=’colsg’)
    color_lG = input.color (#ffffff, ‘ ’, group = group, inline=’colsg’)

    fontstyles = switch fontstyle
    “Default” => font.family_default
    “Monospace” => font.family_monospace
    linestyles = switch linestyle
    “Solid” => line.style_solid
    “Dashed” => line.style_dashed
    “Dotted” => line.style_dotted
    displaystyles = switch displaystyle
    “Standard” => extend.none
    “Right” => extend.right
    “Both” => extend.both
    “Left” => extend.left

    getprice(TimeFrame, Index)=> // Get Open, High, Low, Close, Time data
    i = Index
    tf = TimeFrame
    [O, H, L, C, T] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, tf, [open[i], high[i], low[i], close[i], time[i]], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
    [O, H, L, C, T]

    [cDopen, cDhigh, cDlow, cDclose, cDtime] = getprice(‘D’, 0+index) // Get Current Day Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [cWopen, cWhigh, cWlow, cWclose, cWtime] = getprice(‘W’, 0+index) // Get Current Weekly Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [cMopen, cMhigh, cMlow, cMclose, cMtime] = getprice(‘M’, 0+index) // Get Current Mounth Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [cQopen, cQhigh, cQlow, cQclose, cQtime] = getprice(‘3M’, 0+index) // Get Current Quarter Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [cYopen, cYhigh, cYlow, cYclose, cYtime] = getprice(’12M’, 0+index) // Get Current Year Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [pDopen, pDhigh, pDlow, pDclose, pDtime] = getprice(‘D’, 1+index) // Get Previous Day Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [pWopen, pWhigh, pWlow, pWclose, pWtime] = getprice(‘W’, 1+index) // Get Previous Weekly Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [pMopen, pMhigh, pMlow, pMclose, pMtime] = getprice(‘M’, 1+index) // Get Previous Mounth Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [pQopen, pQhigh, pQlow, pQclose, pQtime] = getprice(‘3M’, 1+index) // Get Previous Quarter Open, High, Low, Close, Time
    [pYopen, pYhigh, pYlow, pYclose, pYtime] = getprice(’12M’, 1+index) // Get Previous Year Open, High, Low, Close, Time

    extend(bars) => // Extends the current time by the product of the time difference between elements and the number of bars.
    timenow + (time – time[1]) * bars

    getlevel(time, level, txtcolor, linecolor, txtlabel)=> // Get draws a line and a label on the chart
    if barstate.islast // The following code doesn’t need to be processed on every candle
    xindex = displaystyle == ‘Standard’ ? time : bar_index+bar_offset
    xloc = displaystyle == ‘Standard’ ? xloc.bar_time : xloc.bar_index
    xid = displaystyle == ‘Standard’ ? extend(bar_offset) : bar_index+bar_offset+1
    lblpos = labelpos == ‘Middle’ ? label.style_label_center : label.style_none
    lines = line.new (x1=xindex, x2=xid, y1=level, y2=level, xloc=xloc, style=linestyles, extend=displaystyles, color=linecolor)
    labels = label.new(x=xid, y=level, text=txtlabel, style=lblpos, xloc=xloc, text_font_family=fontstyles, textcolor=txtcolor, color = #ffffff00)
    line.delete(lines[1]) // remove the previous line when new bar appears
    label.delete(labels[1]) // remove the previous label when new bar appears
    [lines, labels]

    // Get Inputs, Lines, Labels
    i_cDO = input(true, ‘DO ’, group = group, inline=’D’), [cDayOpen , cDOlabel] = getlevel(cDtime, i_cDO ? cDopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cD, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cD, ‘DO’ )
    i_cDH = input(true, ‘DH ’, group = group, inline=’D’), [cDayHigh , cDHlabel] = getlevel(cDtime, i_cDH ? cDhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cD, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cD, ‘DH’ )
    i_cDL = input(true, ‘DL ’, group = group, inline=’D’), [cDayLow , cDLlabel] = getlevel(cDtime, i_cDL ? cDlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cD, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cD, ‘DL’ )
    i_pDO = input(true, ‘pDO’, group = group, inline=’D’), [pDayOpen , pDOlabel] = getlevel(pDtime, i_pDO ? pDopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pD, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pD, ‘pDO’ )
    i_pDH = input(true, ‘pDH’, group = group, inline=’D’), [pDayHigh , pDHlabel] = getlevel(pDtime, i_pDH ? pDhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pD, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pD, ‘pDH’ )
    i_pDL = input(true, ‘pDL’, group = group, inline=’D’), [pDayLow , pDLlabel] = getlevel(pDtime, i_pDL ? pDlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pD, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pD, ‘pDL’ )

    i_cWO = input(true, ‘WO ’, group = group, inline=’W’), [cWekOpen , cWOlabel] = getlevel(cWtime, i_cWO ? cWopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cW, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cW, ‘WO’ )
    i_cWH = input(true, ‘WH ’, group = group, inline=’W’), [cWekHigh , cWHlabel] = getlevel(cWtime, i_cWH ? cWhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cW, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cW, ‘WH’ )
    i_cWL = input(true, ‘WL ’, group = group, inline=’W’), [cWekLow , cWLlabel] = getlevel(cWtime, i_cWL ? cWlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cW, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cW, ‘WL’ )
    i_pWO = input(true, ‘pWO’, group = group, inline=’W’), [pWekOpen , pWOlabel] = getlevel(pWtime, i_pWO ? pWopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pW, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pW, ‘pWO’ )
    i_pWH = input(true, ‘pWH’, group = group, inline=’W’), [pWekHigh , pWHlabel] = getlevel(pWtime, i_pWH ? pWhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pW, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pW, ‘pWH’ )
    i_pWL = input(true, ‘pWL’, group = group, inline=’W’), [pWekLow , pWLlabel] = getlevel(pWtime, i_pWL ? pWlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pW, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pW, ‘pWL’ )

    i_cMO = input(true, ‘MO ’, group = group, inline=’M’), [cMonOpen , cMOlabel] = getlevel(cMtime, i_cMO ? cMopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cM, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cM, ‘MO’ )
    i_cMH = input(true, ‘MH ’, group = group, inline=’M’), [cMonHigh , cMHlabel] = getlevel(cMtime, i_cMH ? cMhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cM, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cM, ‘MH’ )
    i_cML = input(true, ‘ML ’, group = group, inline=’M’), [cMonLow , cMLlabel] = getlevel(cMtime, i_cML ? cMlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cM, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cM, ‘ML’ )
    i_pMO = input(true, ‘pMO’, group = group, inline=’M’), [pMonOpen , pMOlabel] = getlevel(pMtime, i_pMO ? pMopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pM, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pM, ‘pMO’ )
    i_pMH = input(true, ‘pMH’, group = group, inline=’M’), [pMonHigh , pMHlabel] = getlevel(pMtime, i_pMH ? pMhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pM, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pM, ‘pMH’ )
    i_pML = input(true, ‘pML’, group = group, inline=’M’), [pMonLow , pMLlabel] = getlevel(pMtime, i_pML ? pMlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pM, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pM, ‘pML’ )

    i_cQO = input(true, ‘QO ’, group = group, inline=’Q’), [cQonOpen , cQOlabel] = getlevel(cQtime, i_cQO ? cQopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cQ, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cQ, ‘QO’ )
    i_cQH = input(true, ‘QH ’, group = group, inline=’Q’), [cQonHigh , cQHlabel] = getlevel(cQtime, i_cQH ? cQhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cQ, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cQ, ‘QH’ )
    i_cQL = input(true, ‘QL ’, group = group, inline=’Q’), [cQonLow , cQLlabel] = getlevel(cQtime, i_cQL ? cQlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cQ, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cQ, ‘QL’ )
    i_pQO = input(true, ‘pQO’, group = group, inline=’Q’), [pQonOpen , pQOlabel] = getlevel(pQtime, i_pQO ? pQopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pQ, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pQ, ‘pQO’ )
    i_pQH = input(true, ‘pQH’, group = group, inline=’Q’), [pQonHigh , pQHlabel] = getlevel(pQtime, i_pQH ? pQhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pQ, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pQ, ‘pQH’ )
    i_pQL = input(true, ‘pQL’, group = group, inline=’Q’), [pQonLow , pQLlabel] = getlevel(pQtime, i_pQL ? pQlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pQ, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pQ, ‘pQL’ )

    i_cYO = input(true, ‘YO ’, group = group, inline=’Y’), [cYonOpen , cYOlabel] = getlevel(cYtime, i_cYO ? cYopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cY, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cY, ‘YO’ )
    i_cYH = input(true, ‘YH ’, group = group, inline=’Y’), [cYonHigh , cYHlabel] = getlevel(cYtime, i_cYH ? cYhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cY, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cY, ‘YH’ )
    i_cYL = input(true, ‘YL ’, group = group, inline=’Y’), [cYonLow , cYLlabel] = getlevel(cYtime, i_cYL ? cYlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_cY, i_lG ? color_lG : color_cY, ‘YL’ )
    i_pYO = input(true, ‘pYO’, group = group, inline=’Y’), [pYonOpen , pYOlabel] = getlevel(pYtime, i_pYO ? pYopen : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pY, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pY, ‘pYO’ )
    i_pYH = input(true, ‘pYH’, group = group, inline=’Y’), [pYonHigh , pYHlabel] = getlevel(pYtime, i_pYH ? pYhigh : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pY, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pY, ‘pYH’ )
    i_pYL = input(true, ‘pYL’, group = group, inline=’Y’), [pYonLow , pYLlabel] = getlevel(pYtime, i_pYL ? pYlow : na, i_tG ? color_tG : color_pY, i_lG ? color_lG : color_pY, ‘pYL’ )

    // Сollecting labels into an array for normalization
    labels = array.from(cDOlabel,cDHlabel,cDLlabel,pDOlabel,pDHlabel,pDLlabel,cWOlabel,cWHlabel,cWLlabel,pWOlabel,pWHlabel,pWLlabel,cMOlabel,cMHlabel,cMLlabel,pMOlabel,pMHlabel,pMLlabel,cQOlabel,cQHlabel,cQLlabel,pQOlabel,pQHlabel,pQLlabel,cYOlabel,cYHlabel,cYLlabel,pYOlabel,pYHlabel,pYLlabel)

    // This loop merge items in arrays “labels” into a single label if their difference is less than a certain threshold, and updates the label text.
    for i = 0 to array.size(labels) – 2 // Loop through all the labels
    txt = label.get_text(array.get(labels, i)) // Get the text of the current label
    price_i = label.get_y(array.get(labels, i)) // Get the y coordinate of the current label
    label_i = array.get(labels, i) // Store the current label
    for j = i + 1 to array.size(labels) – 1 // Loop through the remaining labels
    price_j = label.get_y(array.get(labels, j)) // Get the y coordinate of the current label
    if math.abs(price_i – price_j) < (threshold/100) * price_i // Compare the prices
    txt := txt + ‘ / ‘ + label.get_text(array.get(labels, j)) // Add the text of the second label
    label.delete(array.get(labels, j)) // Delete the second label
    label.set_text(label_i, txt) // Set the text of the current label

    repeat(str, num) => // Returns a string that is created by repeating the input str num times
    res = “”
    len = str.length(str)
    if num > 0 and len * num <= 4096
    for r = 1 to num
    res := res + str
    // Loop to change the position of the Label
    if labelpos == ‘Middle’
    for z = 0 to array.size(labels) – 1
    label_z = array.get(labels, z) // Get the label at position z
    texts = label.get_text(label_z) // Get the text of the label
    spaces = fontstyle==’Default’ ? repeat(‘ ‘, math.ceil(str.length(texts))*2) : repeat(‘ ‘, math.ceil(str.length(texts))) // Calculate the number of spaces needed
    label.set_text(label_z, displaystyle==’Right’? texts + spaces + ‘ ‘ : spaces+’ ‘ + texts) // Set the label text with the calculated spaces


    Ehhh, beg your pardon? Did you try the MQL5-forum? This is the ProRealTime-forum.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    As pointed out by Wim, this forum is devoted to the ProRealTime platform only.

    You may try paid services at https://www.prorealcode.com/trading-programming-services/.



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