Give us a Key for Search in Editor plus ^ for Previous Search

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Give us a Key for Search in Editor plus ^ for Previous Search

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  • #158982

    Let’s say that this one is for the support of the WANTS on the bugs list. But it is a serious one.

    1. Search can – as far as I can tell – only be done by means of clicking of the mouse. Come on … I do this I suppose a 1000+ times a day, and when this could be a key i would save me an hour or more on a day.
    2. Searching, for those familiar with coding / development, is something you don’t do for one term a day, but for 10 or so different in an hour and those 100+ times. And we can’t go back with e.g. uparrow to the previous term term searched ? again, come on. Where did you guys develop PRT with yourself. You should recognize this and you should understand that it is a sheer pestering how the Search function has been set up. This alone … very much more than an hour per day.



    You can use arrows to easily move from one line to another.

    If you find it easier, just take advantage of it!



    You can use arrows to easily move from one line to another.

    Roberto, in the “line” of the 1st attachment you see ? (nah, but I’d hope so !)
    I just searched f0r again a kazillion things. In a Notepad document I maintain the important search terms I just used. So in a (say) normal development environment I can scroll through my latest (e.g. 50) searches. This could happen with any key of course, but up-/down-arrow is common. Or see 2nd attachment for a Visual Studio example. I reckon that is not what you meant ?
    Anyway the data in there is maintained for even “ever” (but First-In First-Out). This is what I so eagerly miss.

    My codes are not 1 page large, you know.


    In addition, because it is super easy to make, please :
    A key to repeat the search. Common for this is F3. It would search for the next occurrence. As important is the backward search with a key. Here Shift-F3 is common (with that I mean : for 30 years).

    Then, please use it yourself in practice ans see for example that ctrl-f is fine in itself, but that this is counterproductive when the popup for the search term is already open. If I now am back in the code (say typing there) and want to apply a new search, ctrl-f will remove the popup.
    True, after doing this a 10.000 times you will get used to using ctrl-f two times subsequently (try it to see what I mean), but still, when I forget, I would by typing my search term in the program code.

    Thanks !


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