Daily Range in pips sul grafico dei prezzi

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  • #28621

    Buongiorno a tutti, vorrei sapere se è possibile fare un indicatore che mostri sul grafico dei prezzi il Daily Range  in pips.

    Ora utilizzo un indicatore su MT4 demo trovato in rete e vorrei rifarlo in prorealtime.

    Che istruzione si dovrebbe inserire per mostrare il Range in Pips sul grafico?

    Allego screenshot dell’indicatore in MT4 e codice qui di seguito.

    Se poi qualcuno è in grado di covertirlo, meglio ancora.

    Un grazie e un asaluto a tutti.



    //|                                                   TSR_Ranges.mq4 |
    //|                                         Copyright © 2006, Ogeima |
    //|                                             ph_bresson@yahoo.com |
    #property copyright “Copyright © 2006, Ogeima”
    #property link      “ph_bresson@yahoo.com”

    #property indicator_chart_window
    //—- input parameters
    extern double  Risk_to_Reward_ratio =  3.0;
    int nDigits;
    //| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
    int init()
    if(Symbol()==”GBPJPY” || Symbol()==”EURJPY” || Symbol()==”USDJPY” || Symbol()==”GOLD”)  nDigits = 3;
    else nDigits = 5;

    //| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
    int deinit()

    //| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
    int start()
    int R1=0,R5=0,R10=0,R20=0,RAvg=0;
    int RoomUp=0,RoomDown=0,StopLoss_Long=0,StopLoss_Short=0;
    double   SL_Long=0,SL_Short=0;
    double   low0=0,high0=0;
    string   Text=””;
    int i=0;

    R1 =  (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;
    R5    =    R5  +  (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
    R10   =    R10 +  (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
    R20   =    R20 +  (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;

    R5 = R5/5;
    R10 = R10/10;
    R20 = R20/20;
    RAvg  =  (R1+R5+R10+R20)/4;

    low0  =  iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
    high0 =  iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
    RoomUp   =  RAvg – (Bid – low0)/Point;
    RoomDown =  RAvg – (high0 – Bid)/Point;
    StopLoss_Long  =  RoomUp/Risk_to_Reward_ratio;
    SL_Long        =  Bid – StopLoss_Long*Point;
    StopLoss_Short =  RoomDown/Risk_to_Reward_ratio;
    SL_Short       =  Bid + StopLoss_Short*Point;

    Text =   “Average Day  Range: ” +  RAvg + “n”  +
    “Prev 01  Day  Range: ” +  R1   + “n” +
    “Prev 05  Days Range: ” +  R5   + “n” +
    “Prev 10  Days Range: ” +  R10  + “n” +
    “Prev 20  Days Range: ” +  R20  + “n”;
    Text =   Text +
    “Room Up:     ” + RoomUp              + “n” +
    “Room Down: ” + RoomDown            + “n” +
    “Tighest StopLosses should be :”  + “n” +
    “Long:  ” + StopLoss_Long  + ” Pips at ” + DoubleToStr(SL_Long,nDigits)  + “n” +
    “Short: ” + StopLoss_Short + ” Pips at ” + DoubleToStr(SL_Short,nDigits) + “n” ;



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