Conversion indicateur mq4 vers prorealtime
Forums › ProRealTime forum Français › Support ProBuilder › Conversion indicateur mq4 vers prorealtime
- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by
01/06/2025 at 9:47 AM #24221001/16/2025 at 7:12 AM #242668
Je me permets de relancer cette demande de cet indicateur pour déceler des zones de support/résistance, J’ai essayé de traduire avec chatGPT mais je n’y arrive pas, si quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à traduire ce code, En vous remerciant pour votre aide Cordialement
02/01/2025 at 12:08 PM #24330802/02/2025 at 10:59 AM #243338Bonjour, il faudrait copier le code et le poster directement ici… Tout le monde n’a pas metatrader.
Sinon, voici un code simple mais certainement plus efficace pour détecter les supports et résistances :
PSR Light123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899DefParam DrawOnLastBarOnly = trueonce PHn = -1once PLn = -1once Bindex = -1once LastHigh= 0once LastLow = 0IF barindex >= prdG+prdD+1 thenIf high[prdD] = highest[prdG+prdD+1](high) and barindex > LastHigh+prdD thenBindex = Bindex+1$BoxI[Bindex]=barindex-prdG-prdD$BoxH[Bindex]=high[prdD]$BoxL[Bindex]=highest[prdG+prdD+1](close)LastHigh = barindexEndifIf low[prdD] = lowest[prdG+prdD+1](low) and barindex > LastLow+prdD thenBindex = Bindex+1$BoxI[Bindex]=barindex-prdG-prdD$BoxH[Bindex]=lowest[prdG+prdD+1](close)$BoxL[Bindex]=low[prdD]LastLow = barindexEndifIf islastbarupdate thenunset($BH)unset($BL)unset($BI)unset($BS)Bi = -1Start = Max(0,Bindex-MinPivotsCheck+1)For i = start to Bindex doBH1 = $BoxH[i]BL1 = $BoxL[i]BS = 1For j = i+1 to Bindex doif j = i thenbreakendifBH2 = $BoxH[j]BL2 = $BoxL[j]plushaut = BL2 > BH1plusbas = BH2 < BL1if not plushaut and not plusbas thenBH1 = min(BH1,BH2)BL1 = max(BL1,BL2)BS = BS+1endifNextIf BS >= MinReject thenok = 1for k = 0 to Bi doBH2 = $BH[k]BL2 = $BL[k]plushaut = BL2 > BH1plusbas = BH2 < BL1if not plushaut and not plusbas thenBH1 = min(BH1,BH2)BL1 = max(BL1,BL2)ok = 0$BH[k]= BH1$BL[k]= BL1$BS[k]= BSbreakendifnextif ok thenBi = Bi+1$BH[Bi]= BH1$BL[Bi]= BL1$BI[Bi]= $BoxI[i]$BS[Bi]= BSendifendifNextFor i = 0 to Bi doif high < $BH[i] thenDrawrectangle($BI[i],$BH[i],barindex+1,$BL[i]) bordercolor("darkred",255) style(line,1) coloured("darkred",30)elsif low > $BL[i] thenDrawrectangle($BI[i],$BH[i],barindex+1,$BL[i]) bordercolor("Darkgreen",255) style(line,1) coloured("darkgreen",30)elseDrawrectangle($BI[i],$BH[i],barindex+1,$BL[i]) bordercolor("grey",255) style(line,1) coloured("grey",30)endifNextEndifEndifReturn at 10:20 AM #243359Bonjour, Je vous remercie pour votre réponse
Mais si c’était possible de traduire
Le code que J’ai fourni ça serait cool
En vous remerciant pour votre aide
Ci-joint le codes
//| Gann high-low activator |
//| |
#property copyright “”
#property link “”#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color2 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_width3 2extern string TimeFrame = “Current time frame”;
extern int Lb = 51;
extern bool alertsOn = false;
extern bool alertsOnCurrent = false;
extern bool alertsMessage = false;
extern bool alertsSound = false;
extern bool alertsEmail = false;
extern bool Interpolate = false;
extern int MaxBars = 1000; // Dodane ograniczenie liczby świecdouble gup[];
double gdna[];
double gdnb[];
double trend[];int timeFrame;
string indicatorFileName;
bool returnBars;
bool calculateValue;//+——————————————————————
//| Initialization |
int init()
for (int i = 0; i < indicator_buffers; i++) SetIndexStyle(i, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(0, gup); SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Lb + 1);
SetIndexBuffer(1, gdna); SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Lb + 1);
SetIndexBuffer(2, gdnb); SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Lb + 1);
SetIndexBuffer(3, trend);indicatorFileName = WindowExpertName();
calculateValue = (TimeFrame == “calculateValue”); if (calculateValue) return(0);
returnBars = (TimeFrame == “returnBars”); if (returnBars) return(0);
timeFrame = stringToTimeFrame(TimeFrame);IndicatorShortName(“”);
SetIndexLabel(0, NULL);
SetIndexLabel(1, NULL);
SetIndexLabel(2, NULL);
SetIndexLabel(3, NULL);return(0);
//| Deinitialization |
int deinit()
// Remove all vertical lines created by this indicator
for (int i = ObjectsTotal() – 1; i >= 0; i–)
string name = ObjectName(i);
if (StringSubstr(name, 0, 4) == “Line”)
//| Calculation |
int start()
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
int i, limit;if (counted_bars < 0) return(-1);
if (counted_bars > 0) counted_bars–;
limit = MathMin(Bars – counted_bars, Bars – 1);// Zastosowanie ograniczenia MaxBars
limit = MathMin(limit, MaxBars);if (returnBars) { gup[0] = limit + 1; return(0); }
if (calculateValue || timeFrame == Period())
if (!calculateValue && trend[limit] == -1) CleanPoint(limit, gdna, gdnb);
for (i = limit; i >= 0; i–)
gdna[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gdnb[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
trend[i] = trend[i + 1];
if (Close[i] > iMA(Symbol(), 0, Lb, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_HIGH, i + 1)) trend[i] = 1;
if (Close[i] < iMA(Symbol(), 0, Lb, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_LOW, i + 1)) trend[i] = -1;if (trend[i] == -1)
gup[i] = iMA(Symbol(), 0, Lb, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_HIGH, i + 1);
gup[i] = iMA(Symbol(), 0, Lb, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_LOW, i + 1);if (!calculateValue && trend[i] == -1) PlotPoint(i, gdna, gdnb, gup);
// Check for trend change and draw vertical line
if (i < Bars – 1 && trend[i] != trend[i + 1] && trend[i] != 0)
DrawVerticalLine(i, trend[i]);
}limit = MathMax(limit, MathMin(Bars – 1, iCustom(NULL, timeFrame, indicatorFileName, “returnBars”, 0, 0) * timeFrame / Period()));
if (trend[limit] == -1) CleanPoint(limit, gdna, gdnb);
for (i = limit; i >= 0; i–)
int y = iBarShift(NULL, timeFrame, Time[i]);
gdna[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gdnb[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
gup[i] = iCustom(NULL, timeFrame, indicatorFileName, “calculateValue”, Lb, 0, y);
trend[i] = iCustom(NULL, timeFrame, indicatorFileName, “calculateValue”, Lb, 3, y);if (timeFrame <= Period() || y == iBarShift(NULL, timeFrame, Time[i – 1])) continue;
if (!Interpolate) continue;datetime time = iTime(NULL, timeFrame, y);
for (int n = 1; i + n < Bars && Time[i + n] >= time; n++) continue;
for (int k = 1; k < n; k++)
gup[i + k] = gup[i] + (gup[i + n] – gup[i]) * k / n;
for (i = limit; i >= 0; i–) if (trend[i] == -1) PlotPoint(i, gdna, gdnb, gup);ManageVerticalLines();
//| Manage Alerts |
void manageAlerts()
if (!calculateValue && alertsOn)
int whichBar = alertsOnCurrent ? 0 : 1;
whichBar = iBarShift(NULL, 0, iTime(NULL, timeFrame, whichBar));
if (trend[whichBar] != trend[whichBar + 1])
if (trend[whichBar] == 1) doAlert(whichBar, “UP TREND”);
if (trend[whichBar] == -1) doAlert(whichBar, “DOWN TREND”);
//| Do Alert |
void doAlert(int forBar, string doWhat)
static string previousAlert = “nothing”;
static datetime previousTime;
string message;if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[forBar])
previousAlert = doWhat;
previousTime = Time[forBar];
message = StringConcatenate(Symbol(), Period(), ” at “, TimeToStr(TimeLocal()), “::: “, doWhat);
if (alertsMessage) Alert(message);
if (alertsEmail) SendMail(StringConcatenate(Symbol(), “Gann HL “), message);
if (alertsSound) PlaySound(“alert2.wav”);
//| Draw Vertical Line |
void DrawVerticalLine(int i, int trendValue)
datetime lineTime = Time[i];
string lineName = “Line” + TimeToStr(lineTime, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES);
color lineColor = (trendValue == 1) ? Lime : Magenta;// Check if the line already exists
if (ObjectFind(0, lineName) == -1)
ObjectCreate(0, lineName, OBJ_VLINE, 0, lineTime, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, lineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, lineColor);
ObjectSetInteger(0, lineName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
ObjectSetInteger(0, lineName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, lineName, OBJPROP_RAY_RIGHT, false); // Ensure label is not printed
ObjectSetInteger(0, lineName, OBJPROP_BACK, true); // Draw line in background
ObjectSetInteger(0, lineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, lineColor); // Update line color if it exists
//| Utility Functions |
string sTfTable[] = {“M1”, “M5”, “M15”, “M30”, “H1”, “H4”, “D1”, “W1”, “MN”};
int iTfTable[] = {1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 43200};int stringToTimeFrame(string tfs)
tfs = stringUpperCase(tfs);
for (int i = ArraySize(iTfTable) – 1; i >= 0; i–)
if (tfs == sTfTable[i] || tfs == “” + iTfTable[i]) return(MathMax(iTfTable[i], Period()));
}string timeFrameToString(int tf)
for (int i = ArraySize(iTfTable) – 1; i >= 0; i–)
if (tf == iTfTable[i]) return(sTfTable[i]);
}string stringUpperCase(string str)
string s = str;
for (int length = StringLen(str) – 1; length >= 0; length–)
int tchar = StringGetChar(s, length);
if ((tchar > 96 && tchar < 123) || (tchar > 223 && tchar < 256))
s = StringSetChar(s, length, tchar – 32);
else if (tchar > -33 && tchar < 0)
s = StringSetChar(s, length, tchar + 224);
}void CleanPoint(int i, double& first[], double& second[])
if ((second[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (second[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE))
second[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
else if ((first[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (first[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (first[i + 2] == EMPTY_VALUE))
first[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
}void PlotPoint(int i, double& first[], double& second[], double& from[])
if (first[i + 1] == EMPTY_VALUE)
if (first[i + 2] == EMPTY_VALUE)
first[i] = from[i];
first[i + 1] = from[i + 1];
second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
second[i] = from[i];
second[i + 1] = from[i + 1];
first[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
first[i] = from[i];
second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
//| New Utility Function to Remove Vertical Line if Trend Reverts |
void RemoveVerticalLineIfTrendReverts(int i)
datetime lineTime = Time[i];
string lineName = “Line” + TimeToStr(lineTime, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES);if (ObjectFind(0, lineName) != -1)
//| New Function to Manage Vertical Lines |
void ManageVerticalLines()
int currentTrend = trend[0];
int previousTrend = trend[1];if (currentTrend != previousTrend)
DrawVerticalLine(0, currentTrend);
else if (currentTrend == previousTrend && ObjectFind(0, “Line” + TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)) != -1)
} -
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