center of gravity macd

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  • #223783

    Bonjour à tous,

    J’aurais besoin d’aide pour convertir cet indicateur de Métatrader 4 qui est le centre de gravité avec le MACD qui est assez bien efficient.

    Merci d’avance


    //| COGMACD.mq4 |
    //| Original Code from |
    //| Linuxser 2007 for TSD |
    //| Mod by Brooky @ |
    #property copyright “”
    //———ang_pr (Din)——————–
    #property indicator_separate_window
    #property indicator_buffers 8
    #property indicator_color1 RoyalBlue
    #property indicator_color2 Red
    #property indicator_color3 Green
    #property indicator_color4 Orange
    #property indicator_color5 LimeGreen
    #property indicator_color6 Olive
    #property indicator_color7 DarkBlue
    #property indicator_color8 Tomato

    #property indicator_level1 0
    #property indicator_levelstyle 0
    #property indicator_levelcolor DimGray

    #property indicator_width1 2
    #property indicator_width2 2
    #property indicator_width3 2
    #property indicator_width4 1
    #property indicator_width5 1
    #property indicator_width6 2
    #property indicator_width7 2
    #property indicator_width8 2

    #property indicator_style1 0
    #property indicator_style2 0
    #property indicator_style3 0
    #property indicator_style4 2
    #property indicator_style5 2
    #property indicator_style6 0
    #property indicator_style7 0
    #property indicator_style8 0
    extern int bars_back = 240;
    extern int fma = 12;
    extern int sma = 26;
    extern int sigma = 9;
    extern double = 0.618;

    extern int m = 3;
    extern int i = 0;
    extern double kstd = 3.618;

    double fx[], sqh[], sql[], stdh[], stdl[], stochdata[],stochdata2[], stochsdata[];
    double ai[10,10], b[10], x[10], sx[20];
    double sum;
    int ip, p, n, f;
    double qq, mm, tt;
    int ii, jj, kk, ll, nn;
    double sq, std;
    int init()
    IndicatorShortName(“COGMACD: Mod by”);

    SetIndexBuffer(0, fx);SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
    SetIndexBuffer(1, sqh);
    SetIndexBuffer(2, sql);
    SetIndexBuffer(3, stdh);
    SetIndexBuffer(4, stdl);
    SetIndexBuffer(5, stochdata);SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
    SetIndexBuffer(6, stochsdata);SetIndexStyle(6, DRAW_LINE);
    SetIndexBuffer(7, stochdata2);SetIndexStyle(7, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
    p = MathRound(bars_back);

    nn = m + 1;

    int deinit()

    int start()
    int mi;

    p = bars_back;
    sx[1] = p + 1;
    SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars – p – 1);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars – p – 1);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Bars – p – 1);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Bars – p – 1);
    SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Bars – p – 1);

    int rlimit;
    int rcounted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
    //—- check for possible errors
    if(rcounted_bars<0) return(-1);
    //—- the last counted bar will be recounted
    if(rcounted_bars>0) rcounted_bars–;
    //—- main loop
    for(int ri=0; ri<rlimit; ri++)
    if(iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,ri)>0)stochdata[ri]= iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,ri);
    else stochdata2[ri]= iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,ri);
    stochdata[ri]= iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,ri);//iStochastic(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,ri);
    stochsdata[ri]= iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,ri);//iStochastic(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,ri);

    for(mi = 1; mi <= nn * 2 – 2; mi++)
    sum = 0;
    for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
    sum += MathPow(n, mi);
    sx[mi + 1] = sum;
    for(mi = 1; mi <= nn; mi++)

    sum = 0.00000;
    for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)

    if(mi == 1)
    sum += ((iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,n)+iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,n))+0.0000001)/2;//rsi_period iRSI(NULL,0,rsi_period,prICE_CLOSE,n)
    sum += (((iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,n)+iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,n))+0.0000001)/2) * MathPow(n, mi – 1);
    b[mi] = sum;
    for(jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
    for(ii = 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
    kk = ii + jj – 1;
    ai[ii, jj] = sx[kk];
    for(kk = 1; kk <= nn – 1; kk++)
    ll = 0; mm = 0;
    for(ii = kk; ii <= nn; ii++)
    if(MathAbs(ai[ii, kk]) > mm)
    mm = MathAbs(ai[ii, kk]);
    ll = ii;
    if(ll == 0)

    if(ll != kk)
    for(jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
    tt = ai[kk, jj];
    ai[kk, jj] = ai[ll, jj];
    ai[ll, jj] = tt;
    tt = b[kk]; b[kk] = b[ll]; b[ll] = tt;
    for(ii = kk + 1; ii <= nn; ii++)
    qq = ai[ii, kk] / ai[kk, kk];
    for(jj = 1; jj <= nn; jj++)
    if(jj == kk)
    ai[ii, jj] = 0;
    ai[ii, jj] = ai[ii, jj] – qq * ai[kk, jj];
    b[ii] = b[ii] – qq * b[kk];
    x[nn] = b[nn] / ai[nn, nn];
    for(ii = nn – 1; ii >= 1; ii–)
    tt = 0;
    for(jj = 1; jj <= nn – ii; jj++)
    tt = tt + ai[ii, ii + jj] * x[ii + jj];
    x[ii] = (1 / ai[ii, ii]) * (b[ii] – tt);
    for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
    sum = 0;
    for(kk = 1; kk <= m; kk++)
    sum += x[kk + 1] * MathPow(n, kk);
    fx[n] = x[1] + sum;
    sq = 0.0;
    for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
    sq += MathPow((((iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,n)+iMACD(NULL,0,fma,sma,sigma,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_SIGNAL,n))+0.0000001)/2) – fx[n], 2);
    sq = MathSqrt(sq / (p + 1)) * kstd;
    std = iStdDevOnArray(stochdata,0,p,0,MODE_SMA,i) * kstd;
    for(n = i; n <= i + p; n++)
    sqh[n] = fx[n] + sq;
    sql[n] = fx[n] – sq;
    stdh[n] = fx[n] + (*std);
    stdl[n] = fx[n] – (*std);
    //ObjectMove(“sstart” + sName, 0, Time[p], fx[p]);



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