Anchored VWAP (Pine Script)

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support Anchored VWAP (Pine Script)

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  • #226798


    Please might it be possible to convert the following Pine Script for an Anchored VWAP indicator to PRT code.

    Thank you

    indicator(“Rolling VWAP”, “RVWAP”, true)

    // Rolling VWAP
    // v3, 2022.07.24

    // This code was written using the recommendations from the Pine Script™ User Manual’s Style Guide:

    import PineCoders/ConditionalAverages/1 as pc


    // ———————————————————— Constants and Inputs {

    // ————— Constants
    int MS_IN_MIN = 60 * 1000
    int MS_IN_HOUR = MS_IN_MIN * 60
    int MS_IN_DAY = MS_IN_HOUR * 24

    string TT_SRC = “The source used to calculate the VWAP. The default is the average of the high, low and close prices.”
    string TT_WINDOW = “By default, the time period used to calculate the RVWAP automatically adjusts with the chart’s timeframe.
    Check this to use a fixed-size time period instead, which you define with the following three values.”
    string TT_MINBARS = “The minimum number of last values to keep in the moving window, even if these values are outside the time period.
    This avoids situations where a large time gap between two bars would cause the time window to be empty.”
    string TT_STDEV = “The multiplier for the standard deviation bands offset above and below the RVWAP. Example: 1.0 is 100% of the offset value.
    \n\nNOTE: A value of 0.0 will hide the bands.”
    string TT_TABLE = “Displays the time period of the rolling window.”

    // ————— Inputs
    float srcInput = input.source(hlc3, “Source”, tooltip = TT_SRC)

    string GRP2 = ‘═══════════   Time Period   ═══════════’
    bool fixedTfInput = input.bool(false, “Use a fixed time period”, group = GRP2, tooltip = TT_WINDOW)
    int daysInput =, “Days”, group = GRP2, minval = 0, maxval = 90) * MS_IN_DAY
    int hoursInput =, “Hours”, group = GRP2, minval = 0, maxval = 23) * MS_IN_HOUR
    int minsInput =, “Minutes”, group = GRP2, minval = 0, maxval = 59) * MS_IN_MIN
    bool showInfoBoxInput = input.bool(true, “Show time period”, group = GRP2)
    string infoBoxSizeInput = input.string(“small”, “Size ”, inline = “21”, group = GRP2, options = [“tiny”, “small”, “normal”, “large”, “huge”, “auto”])
    string infoBoxYPosInput = input.string(“bottom”, “↕”, inline = “21”, group = GRP2, options = [“top”, “middle”, “bottom”])
    string infoBoxXPosInput = input.string(“left”, “↔”, inline = “21”, group = GRP2, options = [“left”, “center”, “right”])
    color infoBoxColorInput = input.color(color.gray, “”, inline = “21”, group = GRP2)
    color infoBoxTxtColorInput = input.color(color.white, “T”, inline = “21”, group = GRP2)

    string GRP3 = ‘═════════  Deviation Bands  ═════════’
    float stdevMult1 = input.float(0.0, “Bands Multiplier 1”, group = GRP3, inline = “31”, minval = 0.0, step = 0.5, tooltip = TT_STDEV)
    float stdevMult2 = input.float(0.0, “Bands Multiplier 2”, group = GRP3, inline = “32”, minval = 0.0, step = 0.5, tooltip = TT_STDEV)
    float stdevMult3 = input.float(0.0, “Bands Multiplier 3”, group = GRP3, inline = “33”, minval = 0.0, step = 0.5, tooltip = TT_STDEV)
    color stdevColor1 = input.color(, “”, group = GRP3, inline = “31”)
    color stdevColor2 = input.color(color.yellow, “”, group = GRP3, inline = “32”)
    color stdevColor3 = input.color(, “”, group = GRP3, inline = “33”)

    string GRP4 = ‘════════  Minimum Window Size  ════════’
    int minBarsInput =, “Bars”, group = GRP4, tooltip = TT_MINBARS)
    // }


    // ———————————————————— Functions {

    // @function Determines a time period from the chart’s timeframe.
    // @returns (int) A value of time in milliseconds that is appropriate for the current chart timeframe. To be used in the RVWAP calculation.
    timeStep() =>
    int tfInMs = timeframe.in_seconds() * 1000
    float step =
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_MIN => MS_IN_HOUR
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_MIN * 5 => MS_IN_HOUR * 4
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_HOUR => MS_IN_DAY * 1
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_HOUR * 4 => MS_IN_DAY * 3
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_HOUR * 12 => MS_IN_DAY * 7
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_DAY => MS_IN_DAY * 30.4375
    tfInMs <= MS_IN_DAY * 7 => MS_IN_DAY * 90
    => MS_IN_DAY * 365
    int result = int(step)

    // @function Produces a string corresponding to the input time in days, hours, and minutes.
    // @param (series int) A time value in milliseconds to be converted to a string variable.
    // @returns (string) A string variable reflecting the amount of time from the input time.
    tfString(int timeInMs) =>
    int s = timeInMs / 1000
    int m = s / 60
    int h = m / 60
    int tm = math.floor(m % 60)
    int th = math.floor(h % 24)
    int d = math.floor(h / 24)
    string result =
    d == 30 and th == 10 and tm == 30 => “1M”
    d == 7 and th == 0 and tm == 0 => “1W”
    string dStr = d ? str.tostring(d) + “D ” : “”
    string hStr = th ? str.tostring(th) + “H ” : “”
    string mStr = tm ? str.tostring(tm) + “min” : “”
    dStr + hStr + mStr
    // }


    // ———————————————————— Calculations and Plots {

    // Stop the indicator on charts with no volume.
    if barstate.islast and ta.cum(nz(volume)) == 0
    runtime.error(“No volume is provided by the data vendor.”)

    // RVWAP + stdev bands
    int timeInMs = fixedTfInput ? minsInput + hoursInput + daysInput : timeStep()

    float sumSrcVol = pc.totalForTimeWhen(srcInput * volume, timeInMs, true, minBarsInput)
    float sumVol = pc.totalForTimeWhen(volume, timeInMs, true, minBarsInput)
    float sumSrcSrcVol = pc.totalForTimeWhen(volume * math.pow(srcInput, 2), timeInMs, true, minBarsInput)

    float rollingVWAP = sumSrcVol / sumVol

    float variance = sumSrcSrcVol / sumVol – math.pow(rollingVWAP, 2)
    variance := math.max(0, variance)

    float stDev = math.sqrt(variance)

    float upperBand1 = rollingVWAP + stDev * stdevMult1
    float lowerBand1 = rollingVWAP – stDev * stdevMult1

    float upperBand2 = rollingVWAP + stDev * stdevMult2
    float lowerBand2 = rollingVWAP – stDev * stdevMult2

    float upperBand3 = rollingVWAP + stDev * stdevMult3
    float lowerBand3 = rollingVWAP – stDev * stdevMult3

    plot(rollingVWAP, “Rolling VWAP”,

    p1 = plot(stdevMult1 != 0 ? upperBand1 : na, “Upper Band 1”, stdevColor1)
    p2 = plot(stdevMult1 != 0 ? lowerBand1 : na, “Lower Band 1”, stdevColor1)

    p3 = plot(stdevMult2 != 0 ? upperBand2 : na, “Upper Band 2”, stdevColor2)
    p4 = plot(stdevMult2 != 0 ? lowerBand2 : na, “Lower Band 2”, stdevColor2)

    p5 = plot(stdevMult3 != 0 ? upperBand3 : na, “Upper Band 3”, stdevColor3)
    p6 = plot(stdevMult3 != 0 ? lowerBand3 : na, “Lower Band 3”, stdevColor3)

    fill(p1, p2,, 95), “Bands Fill”)
    fill(p3, p4,, 95), “Bands Fill”)
    fill(p5, p6,, 95), “Bands Fill”)

    // Display of time period.
    var table tfDisplay = + “_” + infoBoxXPosInput, 1, 1)
    if showInfoBoxInput and barstate.islastconfirmedhistory
    table.cell(tfDisplay, 0, 0, tfString(timeInMs), bgcolor = infoBoxColorInput, text_color = infoBoxTxtColorInput, text_size = infoBoxSizeInput)
    // }


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