Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support Why can't 'h' be used as a variable name? Reply To: Why can't 'h' be used as a variable name?


GraHal – you know you have been coding for too long when you have to start squinting and blinking to read the screen. If it isn’t a Eureka! moment by then then it is time to go outside and stare at something a long way away.

As for PRT and suggestions. I think we all just have to chill out and accept that it is a slowly moving black hole. Things do happen. Not normally in our order of priority but they slowly happen. Look just today we now have email alerts telling us a strategy has stopped or may be stopped soon. That is fantastic progress (unless you are asleep at the time the email comes through I guess!) We all know that the priority is to not have strategies stop at all but this is progress of sorts in the right direction.

I’m not sure that your idea of a summer off is working out quite how you intended – but hey 48 pips is 48 pips you can now afford to lose tomorrow not trading!