OBV – On Balance Volume Divergence

Forums ProRealTime English forum ProBuilder support OBV – On Balance Volume Divergence

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  • #176798


    On Balance Volume Divergence indicator didn’t available in prorealtime. Below mention pine script code converter into probuilder. Please some one help on this thank you.

    study(title=”OBV Divergence +”, overlay=false)

    // This study Plots Divergences for OBV along with 2 MA’s
    // Choose between standard type of OBV and OBV Accumulation / Distribution thanks to spacetrader which seems to be a truer reading
    // Divergence Alerts are provided so that you dont have to stare at your screen all day

    OBVType = input(defval=”OBV Accumulation / Distribution”, title=”OBV Type”, options=[“Standard”, “OBV Accumulation / Distribution”])
    OBVSource = input(defval=”Open”, title=”OBV Source – Recommend Close for Standard Type and Open For Non Standard Type “, options=[“Open”, “Close”])

    OBVColorMenu = input(title=”OBV – Directional Color Changing”, type = bool, defval = false)

    FastMAType = input(defval=”SMA”, title=”Fast MA Type”, options=[“SMA”, “EMA”])

    FastMALength = input(title=”Fast MA Length”, type = integer, defval = 10)

    SlowMAType = input(defval=”SMA”, title=”Slow MA Type”, options=[“SMA”, “EMA”])

    SlowMALength = input(title=”Slow MA Length”, type = integer, defval = 20)

    DivOffsetInput = input(title=”—— Divergences Offset to Realistic Entry Point ——“, type = bool, defval = true)
    DivOffset = DivOffsetInput? 0 : -2

    showdivs1 = input(true, title=”1 – Regular Divergences – OBV”)
    showhidden1 = input(true, title=”1 – Hidden Divergences – OBV”)
    showlabels1 = input(true, title=”1 – Divergence Labels — OBV”)

    showdivs2 = input(false, title=”2 – Regular Divergences – Fast MA”)
    showhidden2 = input(false, title=”2 – Hidden Divergences – Fast MA”)
    showlabels2 = input(false, title=”2 – Divergence Labels — Fast MA”)

    showdivs3 = input(false, title=”3 – Regular Divergences – Slow MA”)
    showhidden3 = input(false, title=”3 – Hidden Divergences – Slow MA”)
    showlabels3 = input(false, title=”3 – Divergence Labels — Slow MA”)

    OBVStandard = OBVSource==”Open” ? cum(sign(change(open)) * volume) : cum(sign(change(close)) * volume)

    OBVAccDist = OBVSource==”Open” ? cum(volume * ((close – open)/(high-low))) : cum(volume * ((close – nz(close[1]))/(high – low)))

    OBV = OBVType==”Standard” ? OBVStandard : OBVAccDist

    // MA Calculations

    FastMA= if FastMAType==”SMA”

    SlowMA= if SlowMAType==”SMA”

    OBVColorChanging = OBV > OBV[1] ? green : red
    OBVColorOut = OBVColorMenu ? OBVColorChanging : #0000AA

    src = close

    plot(OBV, title = “OBV”, linewidth = 2, color=OBVColorOut, transp=0)
    plot(FastMA, title = “Fast MA”, linewidth = 1, style = line, color = orange)
    plot(SlowMA, title = “Slow MA”, linewidth = 1, style = line, color = blue)


    // Divergences


    //@RicardoSantos’ Divergence Script

    f_top_fractal(_src)=>_src[4] < _src[2] and _src[3] < _src[2] and _src[2] > _src[1] and _src[2] > _src[0]
    f_bot_fractal(_src)=>_src[4] > _src[2] and _src[3] > _src[2] and _src[2] < _src[1] and _src[2] < _src[0]
    f_fractalize(_src)=>f_top_fractal(_src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(_src) ? -1 : 0

    // 1st set of Divergences

    fractal_top1 = f_fractalize(Dinput1) > 0 ? Dinput1[2] : na
    fractal_bot1 = f_fractalize(Dinput1) < 0 ? Dinput1[2] : na

    high_prev1 = valuewhen(fractal_top1, Dinput1[2], 0)[2]
    high_price1 = valuewhen(fractal_top1, high[2], 0)[2]
    low_prev1 = valuewhen(fractal_bot1, Dinput1[2], 0)[2]
    low_price1 = valuewhen(fractal_bot1, low[2], 0)[2]

    regular_bearish_div1 = fractal_top1 and high[2] > high_price1 and Dinput1[2] < high_prev1
    hidden_bearish_div1 = fractal_top1 and high[2] < high_price1 and Dinput1[2] > high_prev1
    regular_bullish_div1 = fractal_bot1 and low[2] < low_price1 and Dinput1[2] > low_prev1
    hidden_bullish_div1 = fractal_bot1 and low[2] > low_price1 and Dinput1[2] < low_prev1

    col1 = showdivs1 and regular_bearish_div1 ? red : hidden_bearish_div1 and showhidden1 ? maroon : na
    col2 = showdivs1 and regular_bullish_div1 ? #00FF00EB : hidden_bullish_div1 and showhidden1 ? green : na
    //col3 = regular_bearish_div1 ? red : hidden_bearish_div1 and showhidden1 ? red : na
    //col4 = regular_bullish_div1 ? green : hidden_bullish_div1 and showhidden1 ? green : na

    plot(title=’OBV – Bearish Divergences’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_top1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, color=col1, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    plot(title=’OBV – Bullish Divergences’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_bot1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, color=col2, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    // plot(title=’1 Bearish Divergences’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_top1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, color=col1, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    // plot(title=’1 Bullish Divergences’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_bot1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, color=col2, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    //plot(title=’1 H D’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_top1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, style=circles, color=col3, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    //plot(title=’1 L D’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_bot1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, style=circles, color=col4, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    plotshape(title=’OBV – Regular Bearish Divergence’, series=showdivs1 and regular_bearish_div1 and showlabels1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, text=’R’, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#FF0000FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’OBV – Hidden Bearish Divergence’ , series=hidden_bearish_div1 and showhidden1 and showlabels1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, text=’H’, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#800000FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’OBV – Regular Bullish Divergence’, series=showdivs1 and regular_bullish_div1 and showlabels1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, text=’R’, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#00FF00FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’OBV – Hidden Bullish Divergence’ , series=hidden_bullish_div1 and showhidden1 and showlabels1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, text=’H’, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#008000FA, offset=DivOffset)

    // 2nd set of Divergences

    fractal_top2 = f_fractalize(Dinput2) > 0 ? Dinput2[2] : na
    fractal_bot2 = f_fractalize(Dinput2) < 0 ? Dinput2[2] : na

    high_prev2 = valuewhen(fractal_top2, Dinput2[2], 0)[2]
    high_price2 = valuewhen(fractal_top2, high[2], 0)[2]
    low_prev2 = valuewhen(fractal_bot2, Dinput2[2], 0)[2]
    low_price2 = valuewhen(fractal_bot2, low[2], 0)[2]

    regular_bearish_div2 = fractal_top2 and high[2] > high_price2 and Dinput2[2] < high_prev2
    hidden_bearish_div2 = fractal_top2 and high[2] < high_price2 and Dinput2[2] > high_prev2
    regular_bullish_div2 = fractal_bot2 and low[2] < low_price2 and Dinput2[2] > low_prev2
    hidden_bullish_div2 = fractal_bot2 and low[2] > low_price2 and Dinput2[2] < low_prev2

    col5 = showdivs2 and regular_bearish_div2 ? red : hidden_bearish_div2 and showhidden2 ? maroon : na
    col6 = showdivs2 and regular_bullish_div2 ? #00FF00EB : hidden_bullish_div2 and showhidden2 ? green : na
    //col7 = regular_bearish_div2 ? red : hidden_bearish_div2 and showhidden2 ? red : na
    //col8 = regular_bullish_div2 ? green : hidden_bullish_div2 and showhidden2 ? green : na

    plot(title=’Fast MA – Bearish Divergences’, series=(showdivs2 or showhidden2) and fractal_top2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, color=col5, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    plot(title=’Fast MA – Bullish Divergences’, series=(showdivs2 or showhidden2) and fractal_bot2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, color=col6, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    // plot(title=’2 Bearish Divergences’, series=(showdivs2 or showhidden2) and fractal_top2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, color=col5, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    // plot(title=’2 Bullish Divergences’, series=(showdivs2 or showhidden2) and fractal_bot2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, color=col6, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    //plot(title=’2 H D’, series=(showdivs2 or showhidden2) and fractal_top2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, style=circles, color=col3, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    //plot(title=’2 L D’, series=(showdivs2 or showhidden2) and fractal_bot2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, style=circles, color=col4, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    plotshape(title=’Fast MA – Regular Bearish Divergence’, series=showdivs2 and regular_bearish_div2 and showlabels2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, text=’R’, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#FF0000FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’Fast MA – Hidden Bearish Divergence’ , series=hidden_bearish_div2 and showhidden2 and showlabels2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, text=’H’, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#800000FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’Fast MA – Regular Bullish Divergence’, series=showdivs2 and regular_bullish_div2 and showlabels2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, text=’R’, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#00FF00FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’Fast MA – Hidden Bullish Divergence’ , series=hidden_bullish_div2 and showhidden2 and showlabels2 ? Dinput2[2] : na, text=’H’, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#008000FA, offset=DivOffset)

    // 3rd set of Divergences

    fractal_top3 = f_fractalize(Dinput3) > 0 ? Dinput3[2] : na
    fractal_bot3 = f_fractalize(Dinput3) < 0 ? Dinput3[2] : na

    high_prev3 = valuewhen(fractal_top3, Dinput3[2], 0)[2]
    high_price3 = valuewhen(fractal_top3, high[2], 0)[2]
    low_prev3 = valuewhen(fractal_bot3, Dinput3[2], 0)[2]
    low_price3 = valuewhen(fractal_bot3, low[2], 0)[2]

    regular_bearish_div3 = fractal_top3 and high[2] > high_price3 and Dinput3[2] < high_prev3
    hidden_bearish_div3 = fractal_top3 and high[2] < high_price3 and Dinput3[2] > high_prev3
    regular_bullish_div3 = fractal_bot3 and low[2] < low_price3 and Dinput3[2] > low_prev3
    hidden_bullish_div3 = fractal_bot3 and low[2] > low_price3 and Dinput3[2] < low_prev3

    col9 =showdivs3 and regular_bearish_div3 ? red : hidden_bearish_div3 and showhidden3 ? maroon : na
    col10 =showdivs3 and regular_bullish_div3 ? #00FF00EB : hidden_bullish_div3 and showhidden3 ? green : na
    //col11 = regular_bearish_div1 ? red : hidden_bearish_div1 and showhidden1 ? red : na
    //col12 = regular_bullish_div1 ? green : hidden_bullish_div1 and showhidden1 ? green : na

    plot(title=’Slow MA – Bearish Divergences’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_top3 ? Dinput3[2] : na, color=col9, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    plot(title=’Slow MA – Bullish Divergences’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_bot3 ? Dinput3[2] : na, color=col10, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    //plot(title=’1 H D’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_top1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, style=circles, color=col3, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
    //plot(title=’1 L D’, series=(showdivs1 or showhidden1) and fractal_bot1 ? Dinput1[2] : na, style=circles, color=col4, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)

    plotshape(title=’Slow MA – Regular Bearish Divergence’, series=showdivs3 and regular_bearish_div3 and showlabels3 ? Dinput3[2] : na, text=’R’, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#FF0000FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’Slow MA – Hidden Bearish Divergence’ , series=hidden_bearish_div3 and showhidden3 and showlabels3 ? Dinput3[2] : na, text=’H’, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#800000FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’Slow MA – Regular Bullish Divergence’, series=showdivs3 and regular_bullish_div3 and showlabels3 ? Dinput3[2] : na, text=’R’, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#00FF00FA, offset=DivOffset)
    plotshape(title=’Slow MA – Hidden Bullish Divergence’ , series=hidden_bullish_div3 and showhidden3 and showlabels3 ? Dinput3[2] : na, text=’H’, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=na, textcolor=#008000FA, offset=DivOffset)


    // Divergence Alerts

    // OBV Divergence Alerts

    alertcondition(regular_bearish_div1, title=’Alert – OBV – Regular Bearish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Regular Bearish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(hidden_bearish_div1, title=’Alert – OBV – Hidden Bearish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Hidden Bearish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(regular_bullish_div1, title=’Alert – OBV – Regular Bullish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Regular Bullish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(hidden_bullish_div1, title=’Alert – OBV – Hidden Bullish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Hidden Bullish Divergence’)

    // OBV Fast MA Divergence Alerts

    alertcondition(regular_bearish_div2, title=’Alert-FastMA-Regular Bearish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Fast MA – Regular Bearish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(hidden_bearish_div2, title=’Alert-FastMA-Hidden Bearish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Fast MA – Hidden Bearish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(regular_bullish_div2, title=’Alert-FastMA-Regular Bullish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Fast MA – Regular Bullish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(hidden_bullish_div2, title=’Alert-FastMA-Hidden Bullish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Fast MA – Hidden Bullish Divergence’)

    // OBV Slow MA Divergence Alerts

    alertcondition(regular_bearish_div3, title=’Alert-FastMA-Regular Bearish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Slow MA – Regular Bearish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(hidden_bearish_div3, title=’Alert-FastMA-Hidden Bearish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Slow MA – Hidden Bearish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(regular_bullish_div3, title=’Alert-FastMA-Regular Bullish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Slow MA – Regular Bullish Divergence’)
    alertcondition(hidden_bullish_div3, title=’Alert-FastMA-Hidden Bullish Divergence’, message=’OBV – Slow MA – Hidden Bullish Divergence’)


    This is not a conversion of your code, but a custom indicator made out of a MACD divergences indicatopr found in the library.

    This is the one to be added BELOW your price chart, like OBV.

    This one is to be added ON your price chart, like moving averages:



    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Thank you very much for your support it’s working good…

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