Forums ProRealTime English forum ProRealTime platform support Reject – Another Order same Position Reply To: Reject – Another Order same Position


Sorry I might be missing something/misinterpreting apologies if I am – I know you keep referring to the screenshots but all I see is a snippet of the Order List window with the arrows pointing to the orders so not much to go on in terms of what is in the code so am not sure if you are saying I am not looking at the screenshots properly/what am I missing or that you have now checked the strategies in question and they are not using the IF NOT ONMARKET approach…? I guess if it is the latter then yes there would I guess (depending on the code of course) be the possibility opposing orders could be triggered ie. you are in a LONG position when conditions are met to enter a SHORT position so in order to enter the SHORT the LONG needs to be closed and SHORT opened – but why should this matter it’s perfectly fine to do that is it not? Works fine in the IG web platform have done it by mistake many a time when I didn’t have FORCE OPEN set to ON so why should it be a problem in PRT? (or have I missed the point here…?)