Forums ProRealTime English forum ProOrder support "Ghost operations" with low TF robots Reply To: "Ghost operations" with low TF robots



Grahal, thanks for the suggestion about writing to IG. This time they answered something interesting and quickly. They tell me that the two operations (blue and red arrows in your image) are actually just one, as I suspected from seeing it in backtest. And that for some reason PRT divided that operation in two. They suggest me to ask PRT support the reason. I have sent two different tickects about it already.

Actually they didn´t tell nothing that I already knew or suspected from looking the order in backtest but is a relive that they seem to understand the issue and answered something with sense.

The IG answer in spanish:

De la captura que nos ha mandado parece ser que hay un error en como ProRealtime le esta mostrando el historial de ProOrder.

Le ha dividide una operacion (flecha azul en su captura de pantalla) en dos diferentes (flecha azul + flecha roja).

Esa operacion de 0.92 contratos en el Dax 1€ fue abierta el 15/06 a las 08:04 y fue cerrada  a las 11:52 de el mismo dia con una perdida de €166.43, que como usted puede ver es la suma de las dos perdidas que nos ha indicado en su captura de pantalla.

Si revisa esta operacion en su historial en My IG vera que esta mostrado correctamente. Le aconsejo de abrir una incidencia tecnica con ProRealtime sobre este tema.