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Haha yep @Vonasi! A big bunch of uncorrelated systems doing different things on different timeframes on different markets.. Oh god that must feel good haha.

I totally agree with the mental strain it takes… i mean… it dosnt really matter how or what you trade if you ask me! I really effing hate mean reversion because it always tries to “catch a falling knife” which in itself is very uncomfortable trade to take! But it almost always go into drawdown before you see any profit so thats instantly 2x bad feelings, and then you NEVER KNOW when the biggest tail risk bullshit trade comes and just wipes out months  or even years of small gains in 1 big trade. Its just the worst feeling, and i got hammered so bad by one system i turned it off at about -1000€ and then like 7 days later it was actually up +300€ in total again.. I missed that entire way up because i got scared and turned off my system. Im not turning it on again even if it turns out to continue to be profitable, it was just way more pain per trade than what i could handle, so if i turned it on tomorrow i would just keep re-experience pain on every single trade..

But with the trend systems its a different kind of pain again, its the pain of watching trade after trade fail. And at least for me, lets say i get 5 loss in a row, on 5 different systems! Thats 25 loss in a row just running out of my account. This pain is pretty hard as well, and just when im about to feel like im breaking, i get the huuuge winners on all 5 systems and im suddenly a profitable trader again and i just gotta keep waiting for that next big wave of winners, but before that! Hey how about another 10-30 losses?! lol.


Aaaand then it is indeed our frienemy correlation. I got systems in Dow j, SP500, NQ, DAX and its all just basicly 4 different charts of the same thing.. if 1 drops 10%, you can bet your ass they are all dropping 10%… Oh well, watcha gonna do. I still get some diversification tho, so its not all bad but yea.. Big losses and Big Winners seem to be coming the same days on all markets, including forex even lol.