Forums ProRealTime English forum General trading discussions What are the best indicators of all times in Prorealtime Reply To: What are the best indicators of all times in Prorealtime


Well its more a fact of using the ‘whisdom of the crowd’, what works? what does not work? I thought dat would be a great first step for everybody.. After that we can improve those indicators / systems that have potential, and ignore the rest. Its more about ‘noise’-reduction. Saves time. And yes, would be great to respectfully ‘stand’ on the sholders of giants here.. Reducing the noice of the resellingclowns (As IG-artikel you send, i am sure in the long run those indictators won’t certaintly make you money.. why?? because 78% of all traders lose eventually only there money….so follow the money/losses, where does this money go to?? => IG! because they handle on there own platform 😉 we must be better than that) with expensive indicators that does not have potential. That was the intention of this vlog. Share what you know what really works, and learn here from the best of the best.